I don't usually post on forums as I tend to be a lurker. But DMT intrigues me and also I enjoyed how the community is helpful and heartwarming so here I am and a little about myself.
About me:
I'm from the suburbs of LA. Marijuana was my first drug. I've tried ecstasy, xanax, cocaine, lean, meth, shrooms, and LSD. I've never told a single soul this but I'd like to share here. Meth was my DOC and I was addicted for a good while. I hit rock bottom when I found myself lying to my girlfriend and tweaking in the back of a police car. (I was let go at officer's discretion). I was addicted and I had to turn my life around. I deleted all contacts and I've been clean since. Honestly growing up I never thought I would even smoke weed but life is a trip.
How I found out about DMT:
I first found out about DMT a few years ago while researching on a different forum about other drugs. All I known at that time was it was an out of this world experience and supposedly your body produces it when you die. On December 31, 2016 I smoked weed with my neighbor while waiting for the New Years party to start. He had some powder on the kitchen table and I didn't know what it was. He told me it was DMT and asked me if I wanted to try. I declined. A while later DMT came back into my attention when I saw that VICE documentary about a painter on DMT. I was interested so I watched DMT: The Spirit Molecule, Joe Rogan DMT talks, and some other DMT personal experiences I could find (Terence McKenna). I was so curious about this DMT and how people were describing it like, "Someone lifting the curtain from the world and seeing the world for the first time" and "Take everything you know about the world, put it in a shotgun, and blast it point blank at your head." I was so curious I decided I had to try it for myself but unfortunately no one I know has it now.
Why I want to do DMT:
I want to try DMT because I'm looking for some new insight on life. I am an agnostic and the closest thing about religion I can maybe believe is reincarnation of some sort? The biggest question I have in life is why does the universe exist? I acknowledge that DMT will probably give me more questions than answers but that's okay with me.
So far I have researched a couple teks namely, Cybs' Hybrid Salt, Lazyman, Noman, GordoTek(Q21Q21). I will continue to research but as of now I plan on using either Cybs' Salt or GordoTek. I will share my first experience when I have my materials to extract in a week or so. That's all for now, hope you enjoyed my short essay.