I'm FractalFinder. I work full time for the same employer for over the last 10+ years and go to school part time as an adult learner. I enjoy hiking, camping and an occasional music festival.
I've had the standard psychedelics over the last 20 years but it wasn't until recently that I've found an interest in extraction. I really enjoy the idea of experiencing the fruits of my labor, especially for such a sacred substance. I'd like to join as a full member to learn more about the science behind extracting spice and by doing so increase the efficiency of my own extractions. I'd also like to give back to the community by providing the results of advice I've been given and helping where I can.
So far I've completed one extraction (Cyb's Max Ion with some interesting results) and am working on my second (either A/B or another Cyb's Max Ion). I did my best to source lab quality vessels and tools such as a magnetic stirring hot plate, various sizes of borosilicate Erlenmeyer flasks, beakers graduated measuring cylinders, and bottles, sepratory funnel, serological pipettes, micropippetor, lab stand & rings, gloves, lab goggles, lab coat, and more. I'm a firm believer of doing things in the best way possible and safely as well.
Thanks and I look forward to being a part of the Nexus community!