easye wrote:Hello my name is Eric,
Most commonly found anywhere that music is being played.
I love to learn about everything that i am ingesting, smoking etc and after reading the forum for only 40 minutes I have learned that I am most certainly mixing my chemicals in harmful matters sadly. DMT is not new to me however i have only tried it just recently while at a rave (probably not where I should be trying these things). I've lived a very blessed spiritual life, feeling vibrations and warm fuzzyness in my pineal gland since my early years. Recently have found out that MKUltra has the same birthday as me, 4/13, which has to be more than a coincidence right?
I hope to learn a lot of things from this beautiful forum to help with my very minimal understandings of chemistry.
Thanks for reading
Life is a learning experience and at the same time it must be fun or why are we here. It is good to hear your still learning as I am as well. If you can't tell, I love all things plant like with an emphasis on cacti in particular. I am an open book when it comes to sharing that knowledge. My hopes are at least a few of you newbies will watch my technique and then graft much better and more efficiently than I do.
Walk in peace.
When I graft you graft we graft