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Resin. The way to go. Options
#141 Posted : 11/2/2009 4:39:04 PM

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same here fractal...i just keep eating it...and eating it...and go up and up and up
it's a sound

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
Touche Guevara
#142 Posted : 11/2/2009 4:42:54 PM
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fractal enchantment wrote:
I find that I can eat cactus all day long without tolerance..I just go up and up and up..

Jorkest wrote:
same here fractal...i just keep eating it...and eating it...and go up and up and up

But that doesn't answer my question.
#143 Posted : 11/2/2009 4:48:35 PM

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whoa, no need to get so defensive, guys..geez! no one is putting this 'tek' down or calling any one a liar as far as i can tell...

69ron wrote:
Maybe your friend is super sensitive to mescaline. Some people are. But for most people 2 inches of cacti is not nearly enough to trip on no matter what tech you use.

this was my feelings on the matter, too...

Jorkest wrote:
..this tek works VERY WELL...i dont understand why people are SOOO opposed to it...

where do you see anyone saying that theyre opposed to it???

Jorkest wrote:
i see people criticizing this tek...

who? where?? i don't see it.
...just people questioning the 2" per dose claim. which seems very understandable to me, i don't see what the big deal is really Confused

amor_fati wrote:

This thread has been getting a little unnecessarily defensive. This tek will live and die by its own merits, so there's no need for factions in the matter.
#144 Posted : 11/2/2009 5:25:20 PM

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all we are saying is that this stuff is extremely potent..and then being told that its not...
it's a sound
#145 Posted : 11/2/2009 6:07:10 PM

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Touche Guevara wrote:
So how effective are booster doses with this or other teks? SWIM has read that there isn't a noticeable tolerance, but is curious as to whether an additional dose at T+3 or so would kick in relatively soon, or take the full 2+ hours as with the original dose?

When I eat more hours later I start feeling it quite quickly.
Long live the unwoke.
#146 Posted : 11/2/2009 6:24:52 PM


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fractal enchantment wrote:
I find that I can eat cactus all day long without tolerance..I just go up and up and up..

Day 1, 5 caps. Strong.
Day 2, 2 caps, EVEN STRONGER,
Day 3, 6 caps throughout the day
Day 4, no caps, effects still felt
caapi+changa brings it back to peak
Day 5, no caps, but coffee brings the subtle bliss right back.


Solar system in the solar plexus.
Touche Guevara
#147 Posted : 11/2/2009 7:03:17 PM
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۩ wrote:
fractal enchantment wrote:
I find that I can eat cactus all day long without tolerance..I just go up and up and up..

Day 1, 5 caps. Strong.
Day 2, 2 caps, EVEN STRONGER,
Day 3, 6 caps throughout the day
Day 4, no caps, effects still felt
caapi+changa brings it back to peak
Day 5, no caps, but coffee brings the subtle bliss right back.


Solar system in the solar plexus.

Wait, 2 caps were stronger than 5? How could that be?
#148 Posted : 11/2/2009 7:06:28 PM

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the effects from day ONE got added to by the two extra caps he took the second day...mescaline lasts a very long time
it's a sound
#149 Posted : 11/2/2009 7:12:50 PM


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and when those 2 caps were ingested, the peak was INSTANTLY brought back.
It literally glows with a blissful radiation.

She tripped harder on day 2 then on day 1...
The Traveler
#150 Posted : 11/2/2009 7:25:26 PM

"No, seriously"

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On this moment I already got 25g of resin from 1 kilo of fresh cactus that coincidentally happened to be one foot long, I guess about 5 gram is still waiting to be gelcapped, that makes 30g total resin from a foot long cactus.

From this resin I took 3g last Saturday, it felt like bliss and as I said before: it was relaxing and activating at the same time, the feeling of being drunk but still clear in the head, no visuals at all.

From this data I can say that from a foot long cactus I got 10 blissful doses. I'm not sure if a 5g dose will be a 'full-dose' but the fact that 10 mild doses are possible from a one foot cactus might support the 6 doses from a one foot cactus, especially if a cactus is more active as mine (which unfortunetely we don't know).

Here is my extraction data:

# which part of the cactus was used (whole or outer green)
-> Complete cactus, including spines, center, everything.

# was it dry or fresh?
-> It was a fresh cactus.

# how long the acid cook lasted? (2 hours? 1 day?)
-> I did the cooking in two steps, the first one took 1.5 hours and got me 12g of resin, the second cook wa a day later from the same cactus pulp and took 2.5 hours, it gave me 18g of resin.

# ...and at which (roughly) temperature?
-> Just below boiling temperature

# and at which temperature the tea was reduced to the "resin"?
-> Again, just below boiling temperature

# Other data
-> The acid I used was citric acid, a few gram, eyeballed.
-> This was my first cactus I ever took and have no idea how sensitive I am or how 'full' this dose was, I only know that it was active on a blissful level.

I hope this clears some things.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#151 Posted : 11/2/2009 7:36:50 PM

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Touche Guevara wrote:
۩ wrote:
fractal enchantment wrote:
I find that I can eat cactus all day long without tolerance..I just go up and up and up..

Day 1, 5 caps. Strong.
Day 2, 2 caps, EVEN STRONGER,
Day 3, 6 caps throughout the day
Day 4, no caps, effects still felt
caapi+changa brings it back to peak
Day 5, no caps, but coffee brings the subtle bliss right back.


Solar system in the solar plexus.

Wait, 2 caps were stronger than 5? How could that be?

I know I totally sound like I’m attacking this thread. But I’m just voicing my opinion because I see quite a bit of dose related stuff here that doesn’t match SWIM’s experience at all.

SWIM gets slight tolerance to mescaline if done everyday and multiple times a day. It’s maybe 90% as potent after a few days in a row, not more potent. It’s also less magical, but still effective.

I don’t know how this can be.

I’m reading 2” doses are as strong as 12” doses. I’m reading that people are getting stronger effects from mescaline the following day. I don’t know what to think now. It sounds so contrary to SWIM’s experience with cactus and mescaline that I’m really having a hard time reading all of this without saying something.

To top it off, SWIM did this tech many times in the past. It was SWIM’s first tech, and he still got the expected dose reaction from it, not anything like the claims being made in this thread.

What accounts for this? There must be a reason you guys are getting dosage effects that absolutely do not match SWIM’s experience. Are you guys using any other drugs? Do you guys smoke marijuana or something like that which might account for this extraordinary dosage information?
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
The Traveler
#152 Posted : 11/2/2009 7:55:38 PM

"No, seriously"

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69ron wrote:
I know I totally sound like I’m attacking this thread. But I’m just voicing my opinion because I see quite a bit of dose related stuff here that doesn’t match SWIM’s experience at all.

Actually, I'm very happy you are questioning this tek since it really seems too good to be true. If I hadn't taken this resin myself I would have trouble accepting these given facts too.

69ron wrote:
What accounts for this? There must be a reason you guys are getting dosage effects that absolutely do not match SWIM’s experience. Are you guys using any other drugs? Do you guys smoke marijuana or something like that which might account for this extraordinary dosage information?

Last Saturday I took 3 bottles of wheat beer each 0.5 liter over a 3 hour period. In daily life I only take pharmahuasca and the last time was months ago.

Possible explanations:
* Citric acid
* Complete cactus including spines and center (we can probably discard this one since psychosisdosis used dried chips with no spines and center)
* ???

Touche Guevara wrote:
۩ wrote:
fractal enchantment wrote:
I find that I can eat cactus all day long without tolerance..I just go up and up and up..

Day 1, 5 caps. Strong.
Day 2, 2 caps, EVEN STRONGER,
Day 3, 6 caps throughout the day
Day 4, no caps, effects still felt
caapi+changa brings it back to peak
Day 5, no caps, but coffee brings the subtle bliss right back.


Solar system in the solar plexus.

Wait, 2 caps were stronger than 5? How could that be?

What psychosisdosis forgot to mention is that he took 200mg of Theobromin with his second cap to potentiate it. Pleased

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#153 Posted : 11/2/2009 8:17:31 PM

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The Traveler wrote:

What psychosisdosis forgot to mention is that he took 200mg of Theobromin with his second cap to potentiate it. Pleased

You also need to keep in mind that psychosis used over 200 grams of dried outer green flesh. That is probably well over four feet worth of cactus, close to 7 for most plants

The amount of resin your left with is no indication of how active it is, 30 grams of someones resin could easily be ten times stronger than someone else's, depending on how much of a particular cactus and what parts of the plant were used i.e. if you only use the green flesh your more likely to end up with less resin but it will be far more active. This is all just speculation, but it makes sense that using the other parts of the plant will bring more cactus goo over into the final product, a lot of which is probably not too active

psyccosis resin from 200grams of green skin is probably veyr very potent

Jorkest and house obviously have some very very active cacti. Ron you yourself have had luck with %5 extractions, its not that hard to believe is it?

#154 Posted : 11/2/2009 8:22:39 PM

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SWIM has also noticed that when your attentive, relaxed and open to the experience it shows you mucch much more than it does if you've got other things on your mind. 300mg out at a party or mingling with friends doesnt seem nearly as strong and expansive as 300mg on your own with time to contemplate and steer the experience.

SWIM can't wait to try this tek out for himself
#155 Posted : 11/2/2009 11:33:43 PM


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update. day 5, effects very strong and it's been 48 hours since any reported ingestion.

have a few stramoniums, and yes, ganja's blazed. synergy withinity.

even shulgin knows there are other alkaloids in pedros that potentiate the mescaline...

Touche Guevara
#156 Posted : 11/2/2009 11:43:03 PM
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So have you been taking datura seeds the whole time then? It's important to relate these kinds of things when describing the potency of any substance, else it's scientifically useless.
#157 Posted : 11/3/2009 12:02:07 AM

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Touche Guevara wrote:
So have you been taking datura seeds the whole time then? It's important to relate these kinds of things when describing the potency of any substance, else it's scientifically useless.

I second that. I now believe that house does not give 100% accurate information re to the cactus resin. And psychosisdoses did not mention in the beginning about the theobromine boost.

I'd like to see cleared information. If you drink green tea all the time please state it. This might make a difference re to the potency. if you snort tobacco, smoke weed, drink alcohol, take st john's wort, drink valeriana before sleep or whatever then please state it, just for the sake of helping us understand it!

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#158 Posted : 11/3/2009 12:02:57 AM


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Touche Guevara wrote:
So have you been taking datura seeds the whole time then? It's important to relate these kinds of things when describing the potency of any substance, else it's scientifically useless.

Scientifically useless eh? You want to know every little thing....
That isn't how I, or my friend, operate.
We go with the flow and we listen to the spirits of these allies.
I'll eat a few stramoniums before any entheogenic voyage, but only once a day, prior to anything.
Which means none have been eaten for 2 days now.
After the sedative effects wear off from the pedro, and the psychedelic stimulation remains
some caapi is combined and the two dance beautifully. Lengthens, softens, recirculates.

Hell, I even made a singado (mapacho sun tea) and drank some up my nose with a sea shell.
Why? Laughing Why would I do something like that??? hehe!
It was some of the most blissful trance in all of eternity.
Do you want to know how much I used?
1 leaf in 1 cup water for 1 day and it gets stronger by the day.

What else?

The occasional beer ... refreshingly divine ...

People...do what feels right!

#159 Posted : 11/3/2009 12:08:23 AM

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"Hell, I even made a singado (mapacho sun tea) and drank some up my nose with a sea shell."

Haha..I have been wanting to get some mapacho to make tea with and snort as well..I have the shell all ready! I like cleaning my sinuses with pure water and sea salt before I trip..its real healing..cant wait to try with tobacco.
Long live the unwoke.
#160 Posted : 11/3/2009 12:20:23 AM

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Hey guys,

I have done this tek once now and I would like to post my own results.

# Which part of the cactus was used (whole or outer green)
-> Outer green flesh (San Pedro).

# Was it dry or fresh?
-> Dry.

# How long the acid cook lasted? (2 hours? 1 day?)
-> 8 hours.

# And at which (roughly) temperature?
-> Before the boiling point of water, not sure exactly where (I will get this temp next time).

# And at which temperature the tea was reduced to the "resin"?
-> It was evaporated in the air with a heating pad and a fan for the most part, the heating pad does not get very hot at all (it's used for people). After 24 hours of this I switched to evaporating in the oven, except I had the pan on the oven door with the oven open. The oven was set to under 200 F, not sure how hot it actually was.

# Other data
-> I used roughly 200g's of green flesh chips, but not really sure on the exact amount. For this tek I went with my feelings on almost everything and it turned out just swell for me.

# Dosage info and experience
-> I ate a total of 5 grams of resin, and received an experience similarly strong to 100 micrograms of LSD. It was a smooth trip with obvious changes in alkaloids, I could feel the first 4 hours much differently than the last 12 (and beyond). House mentioned the trip lasting for days, and I can report on this too as I am still feeling it right now. I would like to add that I smoked weed on the trip. I did not find it greatly potentiated the mescaline, but rather complimented it well. The intensity did not seem to rise as I smoked weed or go down when the cannibinoids left my mind, it felt smooth the entire time so I don't feel that the cannabis can be noted for making the mescaline more than it was. However it can be noted after 12 hours smoking weed would bring the mescaline back, just as it did now. This leads me to believe that the high actually indeed does last for days, however is too subtle to really notice until something else enters the mind. I cannot think of any other reason why this would happen.

In summary this tek is great. It has this really cool ancient feel to it - like you're doing something thousands of years old. This makes the whole experience really neat considering how it turns out and how effective it is. If you do not have the environment to use chemicals and just want to avoid eating the cactus, this is definitely for you. Extracting crystals has its benefits too but one thing I want to note on is the fact that the alkaloids inside the cactus are not changing (unless somehow the mescaline is being converted into mescaline citrate???) into mescaline hydrochloride or touching any nasty chemicals. You get clean pure product each time so long as the water you use is clean. I will also point out that I'm no chemist and perhaps the conversion is happening. The difficulty level on this is low and anyone can do it (If I can, you sure can). Finally, the other alkaloids in the cactus are there for a reason. God didn't make this cactus with these other alkaloids, knowing it would eventually be consumed by humans, to have us extract a single one out of it and forget about the other bits. This is of course my opinion, however I truly find the beginning of the trip necessary as it really sets the mood for the mescaline and I find it also adds something unique to the experience. Take it as you will.
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