I was curious to know if anyone is participating in biohack-laboratories?
For all who don't know the concept, there is some information on wikipedia
and a lot of sites on the web.
https://en.m.wikipedia.o...i/Do-it-yourself_biologyI found it interesting to see what the Nexians think about this. It seems to me that there is some kind of common point between these guys and non-academic underground research like here in the nexus-project.
There was a point about underground research in the Nexian zine and I think that Dr. Rick Strassmann in an interview wasn't really impressed by the underground research but this will maybe change if knowledge and equipment continus to develop.
However, I love to see that people start to reappropiating science in their daily lifes and get into what Gregory Baetson called "folk science".
I think that for example Psilocybe cubensis is today one of the most cultivated mushroom of the planet and its distribution started with the book about mushroom-cultivation by the McKenna brothers - a non-academic publication for the masses.
So there is influence by underground research and in my opinion, the more people get inerested in science and chemistry, the better it is. " nobody is smarter than you are"
On the other hand, it seem that some of those biohackers get involved in genetic engeneering and that seems to me quite dangerous.
What do you think about this stuff??
Arthur Dee was one of the greatest alchemists of all time, not likely to his dad, I forgot his name, this small James Bond sorcerer working for the queen of a... Hail Arthur!