Hey AusRequiem, welcome
Many here have been through past addictions of sorts, me included. That's great to hear you're wanting to end it hopefully, especially amphetamines.
Amphetamines are no joke, especially taken over time, especially with consistency (not my intent to sound preachy, sorry if so). And just like with opiates [my past addiction] ..nothing good comes from them, aside from the occasional medical usage.
Something I had heard Mckenna say in an old workshop talk he'd given at one point, talking that all those types of substances - amphetamines, opiates, cocaine, etc - that they end up being detractors, which I always liked that term he used, essentially obscuring and often taking one off of his/her path.
Yeah, take your time, maybe even months , and learn what there is to learn, especially with in regards to dmt extraction, which honestly it's not all that difficult, especially once you get the basics down, it's really not that difficult. You'll be good as long as you're earnest in wanting to learn, then everything else should end up falling in place
Fall in love with it and it'll fall in love with you..