Glad to hear you're looking into doing an extraction, do the typical research if you stumble upon questions in any of the teks, if you absolutely can't find the answer to a question that you might have on the teks, then just post it up in welcome area [unless promoted prior to].
If done sufficiently [person/enviro factors possibly also] dmt will deliver imo. Analogous to your 'blue planet/altering of life views', ime dmt can definitely be shocking [taken aback], and it can certainly shred any and every bit of certainty that you might have on any particular thought/idea about yourself, reality, mind, death, life, it can hit all those things ime. It can clear them out've the way in one swoop ime. The depth gone is to your choosing. Don't be afraid of it either [not saying you are], though try to be cautious and pay careful attention to the extraction procedures, methods of delivery for the freebase dmt [pipes/good devices], learn as much as you can, fall in love with it and it'll pay you back in troves.
And in addition to the not being afraid of it that I'd mentioned up above ..I mean yeah most everyone gets preflight jitters, antsy, nervous, maybe afraid? Idk, I don't think that there's much to be afraid of with it imo, you come back [though there could be times that it might feel that you're not/taken too much, omg i od'd, etc lol. Trust's important, genuine trust in the experience as it floods itself through every bit of your being. If done sufficiently and in short timing then it will run over you without much effort, that's a good time to be sitting down or lying back on a recliner
![Very happy](/forum/images/emoticons/grin.png)
It's a rewarding process to go through ime. The time spent is time well spent
Hope everything works out.
** Hope it doesn't sound like I'm just chalking it all off as easy peasy, these experiences can be incredibly powerful, life shattering, it can have you on your knees and move you to tears. Also that there's nothing to worry about, everything is a l l r i g h t, such is life, forever n ever.