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#1361 Posted : 3/9/2018 9:37:21 PM
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Lichen Katydid, [Markia hystrix]

Central/South America

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#1362 Posted : 3/10/2018 1:02:17 AM

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Thumbs up
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#1363 Posted : 3/10/2018 4:14:17 PM

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My buddy'z project coming along nicely!

Going to be a nice spring. Woot!
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image-2018-03-10-08-12-30.jpg (194kb) downloaded 320 time(s).
image-2018-03-10-08-12-48.jpg (213kb) downloaded 320 time(s).
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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#1364 Posted : 3/10/2018 4:48:15 PM
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null24 wrote:
My buddy'z project coming along nicely!

Going to be a nice spring. Woot!

Sorry if I glossed over this but what strain are those cubes? Cheers
#1365 Posted : 3/10/2018 5:42:07 PM

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tatt wrote:
@Jees nice pod you got there, really beautiful pic up close. Mine put out a few pods when I'd broughrt mine in for overwintering Smile Big grin
Same here, a tiny pod came out in the overwintering. Easter eggs anyone? Big grin
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da.02.jpg (179kb) downloaded 320 time(s).
da.03.jpg (214kb) downloaded 319 time(s).
#1366 Posted : 3/10/2018 5:44:06 PM

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Eye Candy
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#1367 Posted : 3/11/2018 12:27:26 PM
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Jees wrote:
tatt wrote:
@Jees nice pod you got there, really beautiful pic up close. Mine put out a few pods when I'd broughrt mine in for overwintering Smile Big grin
Same here, a tiny pod came out in the overwintering. Easter eggs anyone? Big grin

Dude that second photo of the seeds up close, that is a damn cool picture! Smile

Espurrr wrote:
Eye Candy

#1368 Posted : 3/11/2018 9:00:58 PM

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tatt wrote:
null24 wrote:
My buddy'z project coming along nicely!

Going to be a nice spring. Woot!

Sorry if I glossed over this but what strain are those cubes? Cheers

I'm not SWIMing this honestly is a friend,lol, I'm not sure. I want to say GT, or Mexicana?

How do they look to you? Healthy?

EDIT: They are GT.

And apparently as of today (3/13/18 ) pinning nicely! It's really cool being able to watch and learn, this is the first time I've been able to see the process. And that he did it successfully so far in far less than ideal conditions makes me confident in the potential success of such an endeavor were I to grow shrooms.

Not that I'd ever do such a thing, on purpose.Big grin

Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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#1369 Posted : 3/13/2018 4:53:24 PM
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Top is a pink fairy armadillo (Chlamyphorus truncatus), Central Argentina.

Bottom is 'Night Monkeys', (Aotus lemurinus), Neotropics. [Imagine going through the forests (day or night) there and randomly turning a corner to stumble on those joker faces looking straight at you.] Shocked Laughing

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#1370 Posted : 3/13/2018 10:05:58 PM

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#1371 Posted : 3/24/2018 5:06:41 PM

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More baby pics. They are bigger now!Going to see what these teachers can learn us later today...Big grin
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Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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#1372 Posted : 3/26/2018 10:56:41 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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null24 wrote:
More baby pics. They are bigger now!Going to see what these teachers can learn us later today...Big grin

Nice nice!

Black Snub Nosed Monkey, (Rhinopithecus bieti) China

○ attached the following image(s):
10414911_10153747768731772_1179582105343277178_n.jpg (26kb) downloaded 343 time(s).
#1373 Posted : 3/26/2018 11:47:22 AM

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Acacia Saligna full bloom
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"Is this the end of our adventure? Nothing has an end. We came in search of the secret of immortality, to be like gods, and here we are... mortals, more human than ever. If we have not obtained immortality, at least we have obtained reality. We began in a fairytale and we came to life! But is this life reality? We are images, dreams, photographs. We must not stay here! Prisoners! We shall break the illusion. This is Maya. Goodbye to the holy mountain. Real life awaits us." ~ Alejandro Jodorowsky
#1374 Posted : 3/26/2018 3:58:44 PM

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And yet mas... Bioassayed about the equivalent of two dry grams in a lemon tea after smoking several bowls of rue. Don't think either the lemon or rue had any effect,but experienced pretty heavy body load and minor trails. Waiting for some spring weather for a full on trip. So excited to start this up once I move into my new pad in less than a month! I feel mushrooms are a key to my freedom in more ways than several.
null24 attached the following image(s):
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IMAG1586.jpg (843kb) downloaded 432 time(s).
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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#1375 Posted : 3/26/2018 4:56:33 PM

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Thumbs up Love
#1376 Posted : 3/26/2018 7:36:37 PM
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Jees wrote:
Thumbs up Love

#1377 Posted : 3/27/2018 12:55:28 AM

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As for the cubes, this one is from today's harvest.
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Mitakuye Oyasin
#1378 Posted : 3/27/2018 2:05:04 AM

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Wow, what is the dried weight on that huge shroom?
Let us declare nature to be legitimate. All plants should be declared legal, and all animals for that matter. The notion of illegal plants and animals is obnoxious and ridiculous.
— Terence McKenna

All my posts are hypothetical and for educational/entertainment purposes, and are not an endorsement of said activities. SWIM (a fictional character based on other people) either obtained a license for said activity, did said activity where it is legal to do so, or as in most cases the activity is completely fictional.
#1379 Posted : 3/27/2018 2:01:02 PM

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Probably my favorite picture taken of my lovely cat daughter. Prowling behind my tomato sprout-lings last season.

Next is the best picture I could take while I was in carbondale Illinois for the total solar eclipse. Talk about an odd thing to be in.

After that is some of the most random/awesome art I've seen on a random post it note on a random cork board in some random office I was in on my travels.

Finally, a breakfast of champions. Thumbs up
Peverly attached the following image(s):
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“My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.”

― Nikola Tesla
#1380 Posted : 3/27/2018 4:25:49 PM

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Mitakuye Oyasin wrote:
Wow, what is the dried weight on that huge shroom?

I should be around 25-30 grams wet so 2,5-3 grams dried. But I haven't weighed it. Already taken by a fellow psychonaut Smile
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