First add some paragraphs in longer posts. They become hard to read.
Other than that, sounds like ego death to me. Letting go of everything and giving into the experience.
What I have found, is that by being still and calming both your mind and body gets rid of any nausea. Steady both mind and body and with eyes open or closed (i just let my eyelids do what they wanna do) look straight forward like you are looking at a distant object. I also keep my head up and back straight.
The visials are always awesome, but distracting and once I learned to look past the amazing visuals I could write a book on what I experienced. I was reprimanded and there were hands that pushed my head and turned it straight if I started to get distracted. That was like lesson one. Then lesson 2 was unfocusing every sense. Anywho... back to what you were saying.
Quote:I feel this sense of someone asking me if I found what I was looking for
I can relate to this statement with the comeback of every trip I've made.
etenities attempt to perceive time