To answer you in my opinion, yes the pure oil does work in a vaporizer also I assume it is mesembrine because research papers say it is yellow in appearance, I bought in material locally and it gave me a 0.6% yield on 125g of KANNA. I am a cultivar of KANNA myself with around 10 000 plants of different species and going to do HPLC analysis on the alkaloid profiles as there is more than one "sceletium". Each one of the 8 has its own strengths. I am fortunate to have a hybrid species. Will keep you guys up to date on my results. Stay tuned
I have a question, is the white precipitate indicating the alkaloids in salt form? What is odd is when adding 230ml of Xylene to 750ml of Acid water the white swirls start building up like its snowing. Would these very fine white crystals be safe for consumption.