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Dreamer042 Juice Tek Mod <=> Lemon + Grapefruit Juice Potentiation [tek] Options
#1 Posted : 2/27/2018 4:01:09 AM

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Grapefruit juice de-activates enzymes in your liver that process mushrooms... It makes them much more potent and smoother while extending the experience. It also enhances kratom, and some prescription medications even have warnings not to mix with grapefruit juice b/c it is that potent.

You can pre-game like an hour before with some grapefruit juice, fresh squeezed is best, but all natural real 100% juice is good too.

You can then also drink more in the.....

Juice Tek:

5-7g Mushroom Powder
1 Lemon
1 Lime
1 Grapefruit
1 Orange
Ginger (optional)

Use juice of 1 lemon and 1 lime.... mix mushroom powder in well and let soak for 20 minutes. Stir it once half way through.

Put in blender with juice from 1 grapefruit and 1 orange.

As a bonus, if you have a juicer, you can juice some ginger then put a teaspoon or so of ginger juice in there too to help with nausea. It reduces overall digestion malaise, but also deactivates the 5-ht3 serotonin receptors in your GI tract that get stimulated by psychedelics, making you nauseated.

The predigesiton with the Lemon acid... the amplification of the grapefruit... the sugars in the orange aiding digestion... Blended smoothly with mushroom powder, easy to process in the stomach...

Definitely hits strong and hard, more like DMT... but for me the trip is about 8 hours, the peak is 3-4. Must be the grapefruit...

Thanks dreamer042! You are AMAZING! Love

Thumbs up Big grin
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#2 Posted : 2/27/2018 1:14:09 PM


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Thanks for posting the recipe and experimental results CosmicLion. I remember dreamer042 mentioning this recipe in chat, but I have not had the time to try it out yet (so many experiments so little time).

How much do we know about how it works? Seems like a complex mechanism. Not only can grapefruit inhibit enzymes, but it can also increase the bioability of some drugs. Anyone have any insights into the pharmacological details? On top of all this, lemon juice is known to enhance mannitol absorption by a factor of 8x, an alcohol sugar present in mushrooms that may help psilocin cross the blood brain barrier.

It seems that a lot of interest things may be going on with this recipe.

If the acid juice is heated to 70C natural cubensis enzymes should convert psilocybin into psilocin which could change the experience profile. Would be interesting to try the "hot" version of this recipe too.
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#3 Posted : 2/27/2018 3:13:58 PM

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Not only can grapefruit inhibit enzymes, but it can also increase the bioability of some drugs.

This could be due to activation of P-transporter protein but I'd have to check to confirm this.

Some people have also mentioned the trick of adding powdered cloves to shrooms, or possibly ingesting cloves in some way during the trip, to increase the visuals. Cloves (eugenol) also interact with the Cyt-P450 group of metabolic enzymes (as many herbs and spices do, in various ways) so this makes sense.

I'll also throw in my usual tip: tincture of nutmeg or mace will add a nice positive quality to a trip as well as enhancing the visuals. Overall potency is noticeably enhanced as well. Normal rules of set and setting still apply Big grin
Do note that nutmeg is probably incompatible with grapefruit because nutmeg relies on CYP2D6 activity being intact whereas grapefruit inhibits this enzyme and CYP3A4 as well. It's best to tread carefully with this one but researching metabolic enzymes is kinda fun once you get into it Wink

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