Hello, I'm Colorz
I started getting interested in psychedelics around 1-2years and my first trip (DOB) was around 1year ago changed how I looked at the world and especially nature. I have had depression before my first trip, but after seeing all the beauty that is nature and life, I started feeling better, I could focus on the things that made me happy instead of the bad things. As long as I can remember I've been looking for a thing to show me why life is worth living and this was it. It also helped me accept my ADHD that I previously had been struggling with because I didn't know how to control it and always felt it dragged me down. Nowadays I look at my ADHD as a gift and I have learned how to control it.
I have only tripped once (also done some microdosing with LSA), and now I'm looking to try expanding my understanding of these psychedelics to be both prepared for my next trip and also understanding the chemistry in the brain. I believe psychedelics is going to be the future medicine against most psychic problems and I want to know how people are experiencing things during and after a trip. I want to understand the dangers and rewards to spread the information to both friends and the internet. The dangers to find ways to prevent them and the rewards to get people to understand how this is probably going to help them look at life in a better way.
I joined this forum because I think it has a lot of great information and discussion that I want to take part in. This forum seems like it has a lot more talk about what these psychedelics does instead of the normal "let's use them to get high and have fun" like most other forums I've seen.
Thanks for reading //Colorz
a guy with ADHD that now has control by microdosing and taking psychedelics