Hi all.
Sumu here. Spacing from the Netherlands.
I've been reading on this forum for a while and found it time to setup an ccount.
I like psychedelics and triptamines a lot. I had great and fun experiences with all types of them, but lately i'm mainly interested in DMT. And that's we're you guys come in.
Thanks to your posts I was able to make DMT and have with it the most beautifull journey. It's just an neverending journey to explore.
Although I like it a lot, I find it hard to smoke. Enabling a wonderfull exploring journey by having a breakthrough each time isn't always the case. And with that in mind I came back to this forum. I heard so much about Changa, but do not exactly know how it works. So now I am reading all the posts regarding to it.
I have a bunch of questions about it, but tharefore I will read the rest of the posts. And if unanswered, I will start a new topic to ask you guys for help.
I wish you all happy and save journeys.
Greetings, Sumu