Another wrote:smokerx wrote:Sorry I will not answer to your reactions as you all have right to have your say and who am I to judge you. I do not want to argue anymore. So sorry if I have upset any of you. I am just gonna say few words and I am gone
We all have free will. That is what make us different from all living beings on this planet. We have been given this free will from God. That is why I am not going to criticize or judge any of you. Anyone of you can decide for him/her self and follow any path they like as long as they do not cause harm to others.
What I believe for sure is that we are not here just to have fun and definitely not by some chance. I believe we all have purpose here and that purpose is to save out self , save our souls.
I also believe that to save our souls is not just done by doing anything you like. There are rules and we must obey those as humans. Those rules are simple and basically it comes to the most important one given to us by Jesus. He saved us by taking all our sins away and promised our salvation if we follow him. He said it is love to each other that save us. He said only through your neighbor you can get to heaven. This is the new rule he brought to us. Think of it as if the old testament was deleted by his coming and he gave us the new testament.
I believe if there was not Jesus we would all be lost. He saved us from hell and many other souls that he took from there that were there already.Many of us maid have seen hell or heaven on your journeys.
Bible explains us clearly what is what. Even total non believer , atheist if he or she read and follow the bible the new testament, can not fail. It is like a manual for us to follow and also to understand so many things. It is manual to our spiritual success.
Jesus is not made up man, he is not some legend. He lived and died for us and that can not be disproved. There are many writings about him and his life. This man was someone who I always look up to. Someone I would follow if he was here and now. If I need o make some decision sometime I think ,what would he do in my situation? He is pure goodness and love and I have only to gain to follow.
I know I can not loose if I do
I was given love by some of you and I want to say I love you too guys. I believe if the man (the OPs friend) in trouble follow God he will get better and he will be saved. I really do not think he needs doctor just love and God.
I feel sorry for the family and friends who lost their son , brother and friend. It is hard to understand for them now and they may never get it but this is the path the man has chosen so let him be and love him for who he is now.
God Bless You All and thank you as many of you here helped me a lot.
There is no need to react to my post this is just my statement and my opinion.This is my experience. But if you still feel like asking about anything please feel free to do that here or privately.
So no fun and no play makes one a saved soul you say? Well then I bid you a really boring life and may you ascend with your likes.
Well actually the interpretations of the scriptures of the new testamed could have been misinterpreted over the millennia. Jesus was a man. I believe Jesus was a man who used psychedelic cannabis when he anointed his disciples in the name of god. He preached about peach and love and cannabis and they killed him for it. He also explicitly said that he was not the son of the god to the apostles. And when he died on the cross he said his lord, his god, had forsaken him.
The fact is that Christianity is responsible for more genocide and carnage then any other religion in history. I have known an evangelical Christian who projected his own preconceived notions regarding the world onto his experience. I don't consider the plant intelligence or entities encountered on psychedelics like ayahuasca to be demons at all. They are far smarter than humans are.
I think it is very arrogant to say that only humans have free will. I guess your are implying that only humans have souls as well and that if you don't accept Jesus you go to hell. This whole concept of good vs evil is an Abrahamic fabrication. Try to think of a world devoid of that. Not so easy is it. The catholic church actually made up hell in order to control people through fear mongering.
I think your friends experience is analogous to Phillip k Dick's trip with LSD where he felt that he was an early Christian devotee.
I think we are all eternal divine beings or gods and that we are timeless. That we are made of love too and that loving others is all that matters sometimes. But I am no Christian and I do not think Jesus was our savior. But I respect your beliefs.
I really hope the original posters friend gets over his ego-maniacal psychotic episode. However, I don't personally believe that there is any link between psychedelics and psychosis, delusions, schizophrenia. They have anti-psychotic properties and truly nourish the brain and soul. As other posters have mentioned, there are underlying psychological issues at play. I think on an unconscious level if a person really has a messianic complex and thinks psychedelics will allow them to see god. Then they will see god and morph this force into whatever archetype fits their very limited worldview. I have not read the whole bible though so what do I know.
"The more powerful and original a mind, the more it will incline towards the religion of solitude" Aldous Huxley