It really depends on who you ask. Mescaline is wonderful, definitely worth experiencing!
Post-purge is the best part of the mescaline experience, imo. It can be rocky for the first couple hours during the come up but cannabis can help you(me) keep it down. After about 2-3 hours you'll likely get very nauseous and purge anyway. Sometimes sooner (for example, my gf usually purges within 1-1.5 hours on mescaline).
If you purge, you purge, if you don't, you don't. That's the way I try to look at it. Cannabis and ginger are your friends when it comes to calming an upset stomach.
Fasting at least 24 hours before an experience (on any psychedelic) can help reduce nausea too.
Mushrooms have been my "go to" psychedelic for quite some time. However, after a particularly intense mescaline experience, I became thoroughly impressed with cactus and picked up a few bridgesii to grow and care for. This Spring/Summer will be their second season with me.
The point is that neither mushrooms nor cactus are inherently better than one another, from an experience standpoint. Both have the potential for Nausea but it is more common with cactus/mescaline, ime/imo.
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