I've read about here a lot, and i'm verry gratefull for the fact that i was able to! How great is that!
I've dabbled with DMT alot, it came into my life 10 days before my father passed away, and it's become a central theme ever since. I've changed more then i can every describe, but i like it. Now about 6 months later i would just like to drop some words on here.
Change is a great thing, as what ever you where before you changed; you've had the experience of living in this state of mind for long enough; change is Always due.
How can being on the brink of insanity feel so much like finally understanding reality? How can being normal, acting like just another ant in the hill, become the standard we all seem to appreciate? How can wasting life be so much easier then fullfilling it? Truly understanding the nature of this game only brings great pain, when you see how it should be; you’ll feel this just can’t be. An entire population blinded by their desires, blindly following he who moves the slyest and shouts the loudest. Discussing how things should change, only to do the exact same everyone has done for ever; proclaiming it’s impossible. Following the ones that came before will only lead to what was achieved before. A path that starts with life and ends with death, with nothing but desires replacing met desires separating the two; lets change what we know by doing what we don’t understand. Lets just sit still, be overwhelmed by the sheer presence of the universe and let the thoughts flow in and out of you; the giggle can never become manic laughter if you don’t let it out. Doubt is the seed of destruction, when your own experience needs to be validated by the outside world.. you can no longer succeed!
The truth is our reality is way stranger then any fiction any human could think of. The truth is our reality is that there’s no reality, only insanity. Our reality is that everything is everything, everywhere all the time. The definition of things is always found in the deeper layer, which in itself is yet again defined by the layer beneath that. Each layer is it’s own universe that defines and shapes the next layer of complexity. The only way this can be is by being a simulation. A simulation called life can hardly have the purpose of being born just to die again. A simulation will always be made to find something, to understand something. What if our simulation is al about finding the defining layer, stepping out of the system and breaking it, finally reaching the next level. The only opponent in this is your own mind, everything beyond that are just circumstances, how important or benign they may be. Saying something is bad or good is nothing but our perception based on a flawed definition of life; it’s looking at the wrong layer. When you look beyond there’s only being, there’s only a experience to be had; a lesson to be learned; another layer of complexity added.
Only life persists trough death.