Having only just heard about DMT a few months back, been intrigued ever since.
Watched the videos, joined the FB groups, read this forum and eventually joined and become more and more intrigued as the weeks wore on.
It's became something of a fascination and a topic of lengthy discussion between friends.
so when the opportunity came up for SWIM to get his hand on it, it couldn't be passed up.
The goods came with a generous donation of a small sample of changa.
So the goods were in place,the apparatus purchased,time to make the final checks on the method of preparation and administration.
All the advice about dosing was heeded, SWIM was starting with the changa and leaving the big journey for another day after further contemplation, discussion and mental preparation.
Never been one for being reckless or gung ho with substance use, was not going to steam in here without giving this stuff the respect it deserves.
So the date was set, the venue chosen and mind and body readied for the first journey into uncharted territory....when circumstances changed.
A few additional aquaintences invited themselves along for the party (oblivious to what was planned for the evenings 'entertainment'
Said aquaintences brought with them copious alcohol and other (thoroughly incompatible) substances. The setting was instantly changed for the worse and the decision was quickly made by those in the know, that tonight was no longer the night.
An evening of sobriety followed and the longing for that first initiation persists.
Correct decision made but onwards until the time is right