So, ive been quite frequently attendin aya ceremonies...well jurema/rue to be exact.
I had always had difficulty taking off at these ceremonies, the deepest i ever used to go was some mosiac like shimmerings behind closed eyelids.
I began to get frustrated at how i couldnt go as deep as my fellow jouniers seemed to go and decided to try and experiement with some fine tuning.
The dude who runs the ceremonies does so by dishing out the harmala drink first, which is folowed by 20mins of toning and then the jurema drink.
So, i recently started supplimeting the initial harmala drink with 150mg of thh.
This seemed to do the trick. For the first time i ever, i got a fullblown colourful psychedlic light show all whilst being bathed in bliss. Very reminicent of the time i smoked changa after some caapi tea.
This was nice, but i knew i could go deeper.
This weekend, I decided to suppliment the harmala with 200mg of THH. On top of that, the dude who does the brewing had announced that he had started brewing with distilled water instead of tap water, which had seemed to have a marked increase in the strength of the brew accodring to the regular attendees who were at the last session.
Errmmm yikes. I went the deepest i have ever been with this stuff. Oh my lord.
It started off as usual. Sat with closed eyes awaiting for the colourful patterns to start behind my eyelids, but they never came.
I began to think i hadnt taken enough again and it was gonna be like all the other nights, but man was mistaken.
I started to get jolts throughout various places on my body, this became a continual jolt if you will, which manifest itself as me uncontrollable rockin side to side and humming a monotone. I felt very eurphoric and began to laugh uncontrollably. At which point someone else partakining in ther ceremony told me to shut up. I also thought this was hilarious and it propagated the laughter, which sent a wave laughter round the room.
After a while, i suddenly found myself not knowing what the hell was going on at all. I couldnt remember where i was from or what i was doing. I kept gettin flashes of my everyday life which allowed me to maintain a certain connection, but i could not comprhend them at all. It was so confusing. I just kept saying..."whats happened"
Movement was a very big apect of the experience. I was constantly moving, writhing around, i could not sit still. It was running rampant through my body.
Then came the horrendus part. The only way i can descibe it is being in a blender of emotions, the visuals were very dark and i was just experiencing a multitude of dark emotions in quick sucession one after another. It was scary, intense and seemed to go on forever. I just wanted it to end, but just had to sit it out. I didnt know whether to cry or what.
After awhile, this began to subside to stillness and the "calm after the storm" began. Felt happy to be alive after nie on losing my mind and just felt generally thankfull albeit still very spaced out.
I dont remember everything or the order, but i know at some point some insights into the circle of life were revelaed aswel as a peek at the other side of the veil.
I hate the way that these soon become fleeting memmories, when these are proabably the most useful information one could bring back.
You have to go within or you go without