Hello fellow travelers!
My name is Kajlian, and I've been a member here for quite some time, I figured it's about time I actually write some sort of introduction essay. I'm from Sweden so the english language is slightly foreign to me, please excuse any grammatical and/or spelling errors
I have been interested in psychedelics and spirituality for a couple years now, and sometime around last summer I stumbled across the Nexus, this was shortly before I did my first ayahuasca ceremony and the Nexus provided me with a lot of information and knowledge and I immediately fell in love with it. I created my account both because I wanted to start new threads about topics I hadn't seen here before but also because I wanted to do my best to start giving back to this wonderful community by sharing my experiences and research.
The world of psychedelics truly amaze me and I'm so happy to know there's so much more left to learn and experience, I haven't even tried all of the classical psychedelics yet and I'm really looking forward to keep exploring my inner self and the nature of consiousness and I'm really looking forward to learning, sharing and expanding my knowledge together with everyone else here on the Nexus!
Being here really makes me feel that I'm part of creating something great that others can learn from and the ammount of knowledge on this site is so astonishing.
All in all I just want to intruduce myself and say that I'm really happy to be here, and a big thank you to each and every one of you who are helping this network grow and expand every day!
// Kajlian
If we create purpose, purpose exists, and by existing, we've created purpose.