The Plant has recently made 4 different snuffs from the same batch of seeds (Anadenanthera colubrina). The seeds were reportedly 'freshly harvested - Oct/Nov'.
All below descriptions are for a dosage of roughly 2 seeds [total seeds used divided by (total weight minus Calcium Hydroxide)]. The same individual and setting was used for all tests and they were ignorant of which batch was which. Administered by blowing into nostrils.
1st Batch: Strong rush, accompanied by slight trembling and minor cold sweats. Achieved an inkling of visual changes, air morphing, colourful static appearing. No ill after effects post-3hrs.
2nd Batch: Medium rush, full body tingling sensation (pin like sensitisation throughout body), mild euphoria. Mild visuals, translucent tentacles reported within the air morphing. No ill effects post-3hrs.
3rd Batch: Strong rush, upper muscle discomfort followed later by stomach discomfort. Headache appeared after 6hrs, remained for remainder of the day as well as the following.
4th Batch: Medium rush, tingling sensation started but within minutes turned to a 'relaxed rhythmic buzzing' before fading back to the pin like sensation. Air morphing present, colours brightened. Reported to have felt the most psychedelic. No ill effects post-3hrs. Positive afterglow reported day-after sleeping.
(all batches with no ill effects did come with a feeling of increased tiredness/fatigue. As if the body had been working hard but to no noticeable negative degree)
Batch preparation:
Batch 1 & 2 were made identically:
1) Seeds toasted on low for 15mins (roughly half popped) then low/med for 10mins (or until all popped).
2) Husks removed, seeds ground to powder and put in oven at 90 - 100 Degrees Celsius for 15/20mins.
3) Calcium Hydroxided added in ratio of 1:3 - 1:4. Water added to for paste, kneaded for 5mins, left to dry.
Batch 3 differed in that it was placed on oven at lower temperatures but for a longer period of time 50 - 70C for 45mins .
Could indicate that some unwanted alkaloids may be tolerant to prolonged heat but unstable at temperatures nearing or surpassing 100. Note: Bufo is stable at tempreatures up to (120 - 140 iirc)
Batch 4 differed in that 20 smaller than average seeds were selected (1/2 - 1/3 size of fully mature). They were then subject to the same parameters of Batch 1 & 2.
Small addendums:
In batch 3,The Plant selected small seeds due to anecdotal evidence of them having a high alkaloid/low unwanted ratio.
The Plant chose to lower the temperature of batch 3 to test if too low of a temperature was a cause for many peoples bad experiences.
Pretty damn sure natives that use A.colubrina (Cebil) cook for a longer time than those using A.peregrina (Yopo) so time may play a factor however from this one result i could argue that his only applies to temp exeeding 70C.
Please note: In higher dosages the seemingly negative-free batches may still cause unwanted effects. Do not take this as a guarantee that cooking seeds at 90 - 100C makes it safe to pour troves up ya nose!
Higher dosage tests will be performed later this month/early next month.
The Plant has a more conclusive write up on the different batches, it will try to find it
I am a plant. Any information given should not be taken as an absolute and could quite possibly be incorrect. There are many anatomical differences between us plants and you humans.