Well, I'd done salvia a year before I'd done LSD, but, it wasn't that impactful. Just really, really weird.
It wasn't until 4 years after acid that I used mushrooms. I'm not a fan of mushrooms, actually. LSD is much more entheogenic for me.
I tried mescaline about 2 years after I tried mushrooms, and I loved it, but I haven't worked with mescaline much (it's not the most convenient substance to obtain/prepare). I did ayahuasca and DMT shortly after mescaline, and with ayahuasca I first discovered an easily obtained/prepared plant ally. I am very fond of ayahuasca.
I *do* have respect for mushrooms btw. I had a single experience on them once where an earth spirit swept into my soul and hugged me, and I was filled with loving euphoria... so I know there's something to them. But, that was just one experience. Every other time it's been on a spectrum of either "meh" or hell. I think some people simply work with certain entheogens more naturally than others. LSD is *consistently* a healing religious love trip for me, while many I speak to who love shrooms describe LSD as cold/nihilistic. I think all classical psychedelics have an inner spirit that can connect us to the divine, I just happen to work best with mescaline/dmt/lsd. (By a funny coincidence, these three comprise the archetypal phenethylamine, archetypal tryptamine, and archetypal ergoline, the last of which combines phenethylamine and tryptamine structures.)
I've also done DOx, 25i-nbome, 2C-B, and about a dozen times done high quality MDMA... liked MDMA/25i, not a fan of DOx/2C-B, and not really inclined to do any of them again though. These are just the serotonergic psychs. I have EXTENSIVE experience with diphenhydramine (datura analogue). Hellish nightmare trip... but I know for a fact telepathy is real because of it. Crazy stories. I advise everyone not to do it.
Re: the suboxone/harmala combo question I've been asking: It's not for me personally. My best friend (the one I first took acid with, actually) has been a poly-drug addict (crack, opioids, anything really... but especially opioids) for a very, very long time, and he's been trying to get sober for an equally long time. DMT has been helpful, but I feel ayahuasca would be of more assistance (easier to integrate). He usually does not like psychedelics (we had a great time on acid when we were 15, but later he found they made him anxious), but DMT is an exception, even in massive doses, he still likes it. So, if harmala/suboxone could be combined, that'd be great. I won't believe anything until I hear it from somebody who has actually done the two together personally though.