so, my names elbow, im not specific with left or right, just please do not get me confused with knee. so i guess ill just jump into what lead me to the dmt nexus, and hounestly its kind of a trip. so, for starters, i practice in the shamanic wisdoms of the indigious tribes of the americas. i dont like calling myself a shaman, just because of the limitations it presents, so i am me, but me, likes to practice shamanism.
i was researching into ancheint practices of the indigious people which lead me to their ritualistic uses of halucinagenic herbs, such as ayhuasca. after reading about ayhuasca for a while i found out about the compound within it that caused the effects, DMT, so i set out to find it. well i found it, and i had an amazing trip, which i will tell in another post at some point, nows not the best time for that
, in due time, one of my most favorite sayings.
as i was saying, after my first encounter with the dmt, i couldnt find it again but somthing in me was saying i needed to find it. so what did my logical brain decide, well... yea... you guessed it... it decided to make it, so hear i am. a fractal floating through a cosmic fishtank, eager to learn, and meet cool new people.