Psychedelics have been a major tool in bringing about a paradigm shift in my existence that adjusted my focus from extremely negative, unhealthy lifestyle choices, to becoming a productive, decent human being that has learned to stop projecting insecurities on others, finding solutions from within with honest self-love and understanding. I have only scratched the surface of the DMT realm, but I hope to dive much deeper in to this community. With any luck, we can help each other continue to bring about positive changes in our lives, in tandem with society as a whole.
Life thus far has been a WILD learning experience, and I'm not even close to being finished. I think that's the point, isn't it? To understand that we're an ever-changing life form in constant motion that has no permanence. We are all temporary. We're all going to die and disintegrate from this skin-suit one day. It's fine. We're here now, so let's make the most of it while we've got it. Minimizing unnecessary attachments and giving-in fully to the "let go" philosophy the DMT experience instilled within me has opened up a new side of creativity that lied dormant for ages. Thank you, you magnificent molecule
I'm ecstatic to be here with you now in this moment, and look forward to growing both as a community and as individuals on our own little quests
I love you all.