Last night I was watching a show on Stephen Hawking. A segment came up which reminded me of John Conway's game of life experiment.... For those not familiar with it, I will post it here to save you from having to read too long of a post. watching, I got struck with a funny feeling that I can only describe as an epiphany (I don't know if you could really call it that since what I'm about to say is totally theoretical). I was watching all of those shapes form and move and change across that board of lights. Some of the shapes and patterns of movement are absolutely amazing, and reminded me of those "objects" that the DMT beings manifest and show you. I started to contemplate that possibly what these beings were showing us, is the mathematical formula of all the possibilities within our being, which is represented as the infinitely changing complex shape that somehow delivers universal understanding to us in hyperspace. When outside of psychedelic consciousness, we simply experience a single possibility and one-tracked state of mind. On the contrary, in the psychedelic state of mind (especially the DMT flash) you experience all the possibilities of your infinite existence at once. I don't know.... I thought the theory was interesting, or maybe I'm just spilling mumbo-jumbo. What do you guys think?