So Ginger has 2 main components... 1 of them is not water soluble, so making tea isn't ideal. The best way is to eat it raw or even better, juice it out of a juicer.
Ginger inhibits the 5ht-3 receptors in the gut that cause nausea.
Lemon Oil also inhibits 5ht-3 receptors.
Peppermint and Clove oils numb the stomach + GI tract thus reducing nausea.
Lavender oil is also known to reduce nausea.
I put together what I call:
The Secret-Alchemist Club Anti-Nausea Shot2oz Fresh Squeeze Ginger Juice from Juicer
7 Drops Essential Oil of Lemon
3 Drops Essential Oil of Peppermint
3 Drops Essential Oil of Clove
3 Drops Essential Oil of Lavender
Mix it all up and take it as a shot immediately following the consumption of Cactus or Mushrooms.
Juice extra ginger to have some extra ginger shots on hand for later in the experience.
-Eternally Romping the Astral Savannahlands-