Thought this was a comical story to share..
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It was sort of a dark journey, but dont remember many of the details. The adventure was being narrated as i went along, eventually it dawned on me the voice of the narration.
It was a womans voice, not my own. I thought "out loud" hey your not me!
Then the voice went from a womans to a brittish voice he reply yah "bloody right shes not you!"
I said back "neither are you"
After a bit of them bickering back and forth, wish i remembered fully but the context was each one blaming the other for impersonating me ans who was more wrong.
In the end they pulled some spider looking thing out of some piece of me (maybe my brain?) and both had said it was like a virus. Havnt had the slightests clue with that one..
Well thats as much as i can recall from about 2 weeks ago. I came back laughing about it, which was nice for a change.
Todays was diffrent and lasted unussualy short, maybe 3mins.
Fractal paterns and colors, then diffrent faces appeared. The faces were "scary devil faces" nothing alarming though. I felt the words physical appearance means nothing. Then left to a dark background with bright casading confetti and colored dots.
Just wanted to share, thanks for reading it if you made it through.
I can ussually turn a bad trip into somthing positive and take somthing from it and learn. Why is that so diffrent from waking life for me?