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#41 Posted : 10/22/2017 10:26:11 PM
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gibran2 wrote:
tatt wrote:
I do miss many of the 2008-2012 members that used to come here, man..there's so many; though I understand that life does it's thing and people move along or come and go, the dance of ye' life.. There's many highly intelligent people that frequent here, some old guard, some new guard, it's all a beautiful thing when ya step back and look at it.


Many of us old timers are still around – just not posting as much. Smile

Good to see you're still around Gib Smile Always loved everything you've posted here, some real gold imo, especially your experience reports.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#42 Posted : 10/25/2017 9:47:43 AM

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if you remember the title of the thread or who started it

No idea, something about trump. But i'm not looking for justice. Could help the moderation team though in terms of possible self reflection etc. Of course if you never knew of the thread....

As for your suggestions, thanks for them, seems some of them are already in place.

Just wanted to point out, that i don't complain only. I found that necessary since people expect me to complain a lot. That of coourse, isn't worth much alone.

So I think its unfair to complain that he is not present in every little argument and issue that arises.

It wasn't a "little argument" and he WAS present but decided to move the thread out of the public eye. It was a productive thread btw, then came art and totally destroyed it. Also, being a heavy contributer should not make you excempt from criticism. Or: What good would that do?

Criticism also does not mean, not being grateful for contributions someone has made.


The main factor in my life seems to be trying to crowbar in new attachments faster than the rate of decline of my family and friendships are fading whilst trying to feed myself in the process.

A wonderful depressing depiction of "growing up" Laughing
But it's true, am experiencing the same + the facebook thing is also true i think. I find that problematic but what can you do Smile

#43 Posted : 10/25/2017 4:19:07 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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I wasn't around at the time that thread went down, but it was a real dumpster fire. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that that thread (and a couple others that got pulled around that time, which I've reviewed) contributed to the departure of ND, if they have indeed left.

I'm not going to get into the "who said whats" of that thread, but holy cow Shocked

Misogyny and implicit/explicit anti-feminist leanings have always been a bit of a problem among certain users here, and in the post-US election period we've had a surprising number of users identify as nationalists and/or express other authoritarian/oppressive ideologies/views, frequently while bulldozing members of the community who are trying to express why they feel threatened/hurt by these positions or see them as problematic.

Cooler heads did not prevail in that thread and I really don't think it's to anyone's benefit to bring it up for rehashing. It was removed for a reason and I think it should be dropped.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
#44 Posted : 10/25/2017 4:19:29 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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tatt wrote:
gibran2 wrote:
tatt wrote:
I do miss many of the 2008-2012 members that used to come here, man..there's so many; though I understand that life does it's thing and people move along or come and go, the dance of ye' life.. There's many highly intelligent people that frequent here, some old guard, some new guard, it's all a beautiful thing when ya step back and look at it.


Many of us old timers are still around – just not posting as much. Smile

Good to see you're still around Gib Smile Always loved everything you've posted here, some real gold imo, especially your experience reports.


The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
#45 Posted : 10/25/2017 5:14:58 PM

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Misogyny and implicit/explicit anti-feminist leanings have always been a bit of a problem among certain users here, and in the post-US election period we've had a surprising number of users identify as nationalists and/or express other authoritarian/oppressive ideologies/views, frequently while bulldozing members of the community who are trying to express why they feel threatened/hurt by these positions or see them as problematic.

See, that is how YOU are seeing it. I did not get this impression AT ALL.

I for one see what you are saying as a symptom of the broader discourse - there is and was too many ideology and it was my aim to show that there are different ways to peel a banana.

To me it seems, that you are attempting to justify certain misbehaviours because you find certain percieved opions "problematic". If that is wrong , i apologize. Then i do not understand why you bring up the contentsd of that thread though since you advocate for not bringing it up.

I do understand this though as i have been a member of leftist organisations in the past.

I really don't think it's to anyone's benefit to bring it up for rehashing

I think so too. I have no hope for a world in which even those who claim to be self reflected can't have a reasonable discussion but are stuck in their own ideology. Instead of feeling "hurt" or "threatened" one could have confidence in their opinion and self.

But this isn't about the contents of said topic, to dismantle that strawman right there.
#46 Posted : 10/25/2017 6:10:02 PM

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This happened nearly a year ago and Art, to all intents and purposes, took himself out of the game after that particular thread. What more do you want? The fact that these kinds of incidents happen that rarely tells me how well this place is run.
#47 Posted : 10/25/2017 6:46:04 PM

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I remember that thread very well. I was the one starting it. I learned a very usefull lesson then: if you know that you are not going to be convinced by your opponent, and also know that you are not going to convince said opponent yourself, then, no matter how deeply you believe that you are right and said opponent is wrong....it's best to just quit.
#48 Posted : 10/25/2017 6:47:39 PM

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hug46 wrote:
This happened nearly a year ago and Art, to all intents and purposes, took himself out of the game after that particular thread. What more do you want? The fact that these kinds of incidents happen that rarely tells me how well this place is run.

Why would i want him to be "out of the game"? He's not my enemy. It's also not about the incident itself but how it was handled and how others might have supported it. It's not the first time someone wanted to kick my ass. It is impossible to have outsider opinions without attracting hatred and anger. That does not make it ok though.

But whatever, i've stated my opinion and any moderator that wasn't aware of it could look into it or not. Next time i'll start a discussion and not silently assume everyone knows.

I remember that thread very well. I was the one starting it. I learned a very usefull lesson then: if you know that you are not going to be convinced by your opponent, and also know that you are not going to convince said opponent yourself, then, no matter how deeply you believe that you are right and said opponent is wrong....it's best to just quit

A good lesson, everyone should learn or remember Smile
It's just so alienating not being able to converse with what seems to be 90+% of the population because perspectives differ and there is a lot of dogma in the mix too.
#49 Posted : 10/25/2017 7:51:30 PM

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SnozzleBerry wrote:

Misogyny and implicit/explicit anti-feminist leanings have always been a bit of a problem among certain users here, and in the post-US election period we've had a surprising number of users identify as nationalists and/or express other authoritarian/oppressive ideologies/views(...)

It is interesting that implicitly you denote that being anti-feminist is a problem, and that "misogyny" appears to be synonymous with "anti-feminism".

In the same vein, being a "nationalist" (wanting your country to be a sovereign entity) appears to be equated with being an authoritarian/oppressive ideology.

SnozzleBerry wrote:
frequently while bulldozing members of the community who are trying to express why they feel threatened/hurt by these positions or see them as problematic.

Also interesting is to realize that over the last 10-15 years, increasingly, people with such problematic views as "I don't want my country run by a globalist elite" or "maybe feminist isn't really about equality" have been increasingly demonized, to the point of being fired from their jobs and shunned on social media for expressing such "problematic" opinions. There's several recent examples from your country, with which I'm sure you're acquainted, and that's just the latest.

It was exactly that kind of stuff that got the God Emperor elected, and it was coming for a long time. And now certain types of people are angry, their world crumbled .. well, just try to empathize a bit, and realize that certain other kinds of people, against all sorts of nonsense, have not exactly been happy with the political - and increasingly, the social - climate.

Personally I haven't seen any such cases of "bulldozing" that you mention, but I haven't really looked either to be honest, but I'll tell you this: what I find really problematic is how some people feel that they must be shielded from any remotely offensive thing, and lash out in a rage, threatening to injure or KILL (art) people who disagree with them.

Over some political views.

I'm proudly nationalist and proudly anti-feminist.
It's just that those things don't stand for what you seem to think they stand for.
(but I understand the confusion, lots of douches out there)

Hopefully one day, freed from ideological constrains, you'll be able to understand that.
And see that people with radically different views than yours are not necessarily bad people.
This is the time to really find out who you are and enjoy every moment you have. Take advantage of it.
#50 Posted : 10/25/2017 11:27:22 PM

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From Merriam-Webster:

Feminism: 1. the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes
2 :organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests

:loyalty and devotion to a nation; especially :a sense of national consciousness (see consciousness 1c) exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups. Intense nationalism was one of the causes of the war.
:a nationalist movement or government opposing nationalisms

urtica is a fictional character. nothing written by this fictional character has anything to do with reality. if urtica was real, and performing any activities that are restricted by certain governmental forces, these activities would be performed in Heaven where nothing is true & everything is permitted.
#51 Posted : 10/26/2017 5:48:53 AM
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Perhaps the Nexus family needs a winter holiday tradition to bring us together.

We could call it the Airing of Grievances Twisted Evil
"The cost of sanity in this society is a certain level of alienation." - Terence McKenna
#52 Posted : 10/26/2017 7:57:56 AM

Don't Panic

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urtica wrote:
From Merriam-Webster:

Feminism: 1. the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes
2 :organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests

From Merriam-Webster:

Egalitarianism: 1 :a belief in human equality especially with respect to social, political, and economic affairs
2 :a social philosophy advocating the removal of inequalities among people

Notice how there is no gender oriented prefix in egalitarianism? Can't say the same for feminism.
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."
#53 Posted : 10/26/2017 9:25:31 AM
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Biawak wrote:
Perhaps the Nexus family needs a winter holiday tradition to bring us together.

We could call it the Airing of Grievances Twisted Evil

#54 Posted : 10/26/2017 10:50:07 AM

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I don't think you can actually say, with any certainty that is, that you're an anti-feminist....this is because feminists among themselves hardly ever seem to agree on what feminism is about.

I have the suspicion that you would probably agree with most of the views of moderate feminists, and that it's just a very vocal minority of hardliners from the 'gender studies' pseudo-science department from a couple of american east and west coast universities, that you disagree with.

Example: The actress emma watson has repeatedly identified herself as a feminist. And is being accused of anti-feminism and betrayal to the feminist cause, simply because she looks sexy.

#55 Posted : 10/26/2017 12:49:25 PM

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Psilosopher? wrote:

Notice how there is no gender oriented prefix in egalitarianism? Can't say the same for feminism.

Maybe there is a gender orientated prefix because a lot of women feel that have been on the shitty end of the stick with regard to be treated equally to men over the last god knows how many years and feminism is a reaction to that.

Obliguhl wrote:

Why would i want him to be "out of the game"? He's not my enemy. It's also not about the incident itself but how it was handled and how others might have supported it. It's not the first time someone wanted to kick my ass. It is impossible to have outsider opinions without attracting hatred and anger. That does not make it ok though.

Yeah people have wanted to kick my ass before but sometimes it was because i was talking complete and utter crap....

I didn't say that you wanted him out of the game but you were complaining about how the situation was handled. He apologised said he was leaving the forum for a while and then the thread was taken away. Which sometimes happens. I get that threads sometimes dissapearing can be frustrating, especially if you have something more to add. It's happened to a thread i started aswell, where i felt that i was giving a decent well thought out argument for the points that i was trying to make. But the forum isn't just about people like us. There are nearly 40,000 other members to take into account and i think that pulling certain inflamatory threads is the best way of dealing with them. They are just gone. No more arguing, insulting, offending. Just poof! Dissappeared. And we just have to deal with not being able to give a response.

On the subject of the number of members and the comments by Endlessness about Traveler putting his own money into the Nexus each month, i remember being in chat and i think that he mentioned the figure...200 or 400 euros a month (i am sorry it was so long ago i cannot remember the exact figure) to run the Nexus. A month!!! If every member donated 1 euro each the Nexus would be financially sorted for years. Just a bit of food for thought...
#56 Posted : 10/26/2017 12:57:56 PM

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Psilosopher? wrote:
urtica wrote:
From Merriam-Webster:

Feminism: 1. the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes
2 :organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests

From Merriam-Webster:

Egalitarianism: 1 :a belief in human equality especially with respect to social, political, and economic affairs
2 :a social philosophy advocating the removal of inequalities among people

Notice how there is no gender oriented prefix in egalitarianism? Can't say the same for feminism.


Intent > Words.

I identify myself as a Feminist because a lot of people don't understand the term Egalitarianism, but I usually further my point by saying there is no such thing as an exclusively feminist issue because last I checked, women make up 50%+ of the species so a feminist issue is actually a humanitarian issue.

I then go further to say I don't care about how much women get paid, because I don't care how much I get paid. I very often don't get to finish that sentence because folk love to sit on their high horse no matter how much shit is on the saddle.

I've met some great feminists in my time who speak of social engineering issues as a challenge which they are greatly involved and highly passionate about. They see inequality as opportunity and they see pride and inspiration in great feminists that have come before and they are aware that progress is possible.

I've met some awful feminists who probably just have self esteem issues and didn't really know want they were talking about and just used it as an easy go to to put me down because I have a dick... fat bitches Razz

I don't get nationalism... at all. Sharing is caring. I have no specific pride to the land in which I was born and live and I know that the whole planet has beauty. It should be open to all to enjoy. What especially angers me about nationalism is that it's such a goto for idiots to be exploited.

What's this thread about again?

#57 Posted : 10/26/2017 1:19:38 PM

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soulfood wrote:

What's this thread about again?

"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."
#58 Posted : 10/26/2017 1:39:22 PM

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soulfood wrote:
.. to put me down because I have a dick... fat bitches Razz


Seriously, offence is a matter of give and take. If you cannot handle unwelcome responses to your opinions, then don't write stuff on internet forums. The trump thread was a trainwreck before it even had fully left the station. What a bout of hysteria, good riddance that it got deleted.

As I already wrote in that deleted thread: people tend to get caught up in identities and that does not help at all in making the issues more clear and communicable, let alone resolve any.

PS obli, I understand that there may have been some lingering emotions behind your statements about trav earlier in the thread and I wasn't going to respond in order to not derail this thread, but since that is now a moot issue I will say it anyway: claiming that trav only does things wrong is obviously wildy inaccurate. I hope you can retract some of that and still feel okay. Perhaps that will allow us all to lay this thread to rest and feel okay and maybe even engage in posting relevant comments in other forum threads.
#59 Posted : 10/26/2017 2:39:52 PM
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Put it to bed Fred, put it to bed Razz

Lets give er a nice sleep Laughing

Or stroke the kitty somemoar Razz
#60 Posted : 10/26/2017 3:42:52 PM


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The Nexus is what we make of it as others have said. It is an amazing place full of love.

In the last few days alone, I have seen blue juice pictures for the first time, read the best discussion I have seen on the phylosophy of meat eating, worked with others in trying to understand mysteries in rue seeds, talked about the math of knots relating to why we have a 3D universe, and I'm watching thymeleaf sandwort grow which puts a smile on my face every day.

None of this would have happened without this amazing community. And I'm only going back a few days! The impact to my life from this community has been tremendously positive, as I've seen myself go from a comfortably numb beer drinking sports watching crap eating sedentary consumer, to a more connected, nature watching, plant growing, family loving person now able to be in deep awe of the beauty of it all.

So yes, I'm doing OK and deeply thank this community.

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