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#261 Posted : 10/9/2016 6:50:02 PM

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"In the universe there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link." ~Carlos Castaneda

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#262 Posted : 10/20/2016 4:22:18 PM

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Not a movie, but the new HBO show
is really interesting so far.
The themes in it remind of alot of the more far out ideas people get into their head in the context of the DMT experience and talk about here. Can you see the similarities too?? Pleased

#263 Posted : 10/20/2016 10:19:30 PM

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woogyboogy wrote:
Not a movie, but the new HBO show
is really interesting so far.

Seconded, I have only seen the first episode, and I feel like there is a lot of potential here. I think we all construct realities for ourselves already in different ways; it doesn't have to be through drugs or technology. But the show is working to explore what it's like to be a creator of such realities, and I think this can tell us more about the tales we weave for ourselves, whether through culture, emotions, or psychedelics.
"Think for yourself and question authority." - Leary

"To step out of ideology - it hurts. It's a painful experience. You must force yourself to do it." - Žižek
#264 Posted : 10/20/2016 11:35:37 PM

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RAM wrote:
woogyboogy wrote:
Not a movie, but the new HBO show
is really interesting so far.

Seconded, I have only seen the first episode, and I feel like there is a lot of potential here. I think we all construct realities for ourselves already in different ways; it doesn't have to be through drugs or technology. But the show is working to explore what it's like to be a creator of such realities, and I think this can tell us more about the tales we weave for ourselves, whether through culture, emotions, or psychedelics.

Wow this show is philosophicaly interesting on so many levels. I havent even thought about the show in the context your proposing yet.
For me it was the similarities to what some people experience during DMT that got me listening. For example when people get shown by enitites how our reality really works and getting permitted a look behind the curtain. Its like the hosts(the robots) in the show, that slowly start to experience more and more reality shattering events. Also the theme of forgetfulness reminded me of this forum. That sometimes its a blessing to forget the terrors one experiences. (https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=13605 this thread fits in here well..)

Then of course there also is the whole theme of who we are when we are freed from moral obligations.
#265 Posted : 11/16/2016 3:38:45 AM
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I've watched a few of the anime cartoons, but wow, some of the effects in this upcoming movie, wow. Beautifully done.
#266 Posted : 11/16/2016 9:56:42 AM

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tatt wrote:
but wow, some of the effects in this upcoming movie, wow. Beautifully done.

Wow indeed. Thanks for sharing it tatt! Thumbs up
#267 Posted : 3/30/2017 9:37:04 AM

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Everything's sooo peyote-ful..
#268 Posted : 5/13/2017 1:16:42 AM

Come what may

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I love Hunter S. Thompson! Everything he touches is weird and trippy and off the wall. Such a unique human. He left quite an impression on me for dang sure!

Check out this documentary about him, it's pretty good!

"In the universe there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link." ~Carlos Castaneda
#269 Posted : 6/13/2017 6:25:26 AM
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just saw an amazing movie, it's soooo good i saw it 4 times in a row...
cinematography, locations, costumes, editing, music, sound... blew my mind.
i am not even mentioning direction and script. dialogues are very condensed, every word counts, literally, so without a good translation, or understanding the native language the movie is in, you'll be left with a scrambled mind... so be warned.

"A Dragon Arrives!". INSANELY GOOD. the iranian david lynch++.

any iranians to chime in with cultural background?

what about the reality bending camel, similar but more powerfull to lynch's mystery cowboy ? what about the scary witch with weird mask (?) distributing psychedelic cigarettes (rue?)? and what about the sect, the witch belongs to, doing goat sacrifices and their scary medium shown in trance? and what about the dragon itself, is that really a "dragon" and how significant such a beast is in persian mythology/folklore?

mind blown.

worth procuring at any price. multiple viewings guaranteed Smile
#270 Posted : 9/13/2017 2:27:27 PM

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Another good (martial arts) movies is: Judge Archer (2012)

Feat. Ju Yuan Hao(not a lead role, but NOT an extra), One(1) our personal aquaintances (intezam), about 01:22 mins into the movie (trad. ''kamaan'' horn bow archery is intezam passion). Also feat. his workshops at the end of movie. We think this movie is also to honor this bowyer. The movie itself is pretty weird, you may have to watch it moar then One(1) time.


....just One(1) of the great quotes from the movie....and there are moar.

By coincidence we dreamt of (old) suitcases last night....


also featuring: nashi pear and accordeon (and donkey).....Laughing

How this movies successfully passed by the PROC censor is still a riddle to we....Thumbs up

since the link is not easy to find, we put One(1) here.

#271 Posted : 9/25/2017 1:12:41 PM

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The day the earth stood still 2008
Though the river tells no lies, the dishonest standing on the shore, still hear them.
#272 Posted : 9/25/2017 8:30:36 PM

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Terence McKenna's True Hallucinations (2016)

A lot of great material I'd never seen before.
#273 Posted : 10/6/2017 9:23:08 PM

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I watched Adam and Paul again the other night. Plenty of pathos. It's kind of like a poor man's Trainspotting, only better. I enjoyed Trainspotting but it seemed to me to be a bit like a Calvin Klein advert for heroin.

#274 Posted : 10/10/2017 6:07:57 AM

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Nashi pears and accordions? Sounds exactly like my backyard!
#275 Posted : 10/10/2017 9:36:00 PM

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A guy become a "fake" guru and change life of people ; true real life documentary, hilarious but also highly instructing about the power of beleives (in others, in yourself) , and about the role of the trickster.

The song of the sea

Stalker (Tarkovsky)
Solaris (Tarkosvky)

Waking Life

Fehérlófia (wow, this animation is so unique!!!)

I Origin

Holy Mountain

La belle verte

The Fantastic Planet

The red turtle

My dinner with Andre (!!!!!)

stuff coming to my mind that i selected over the years Pleased
#276 Posted : 12/28/2017 7:07:37 PM

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The Orville Episode 1x7 (Seven)'Majority Rule'
The orville visits a planet with parallel evolution, similar to 21st Century Earth, except that they have double collars, double cuffs, double pakols and everything and everyboday has to have a like & dislike button and their direct democrazy is based on likes/dislikes.Surprised Shocked Stop Thumbs up Thumbs down

Here is a review:

It's worth watching, we think (on your kodi) or on watchseries
#277 Posted : 4/25/2018 10:04:33 PM

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#278 Posted : 5/21/2018 1:48:30 PM

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Seediq Bale a movie about the aftermath of Wushe incident
Guardians of the rainbow koa forests (ACRB)



eng. subs of songs

can try to watch the 4 plus hrs two CD version rather then the 2 hrs shortened international version for better understanding of Seediq Bale mythology; regarding rainbow bridge, their ancestral tree and all...

Warning: Do NOT watch while tripping. The Seedig woman all hang themselves in order to make their husbands, sons and grandsons punish the left handed indushtrial deveil trolls like FIGHTING WAR GHOSTS without any hope to return to Seediq human lifes. In other wornds: there is blood & gore and punitive action against corruption and thiefs in the Land.

Theatrical Trailer

The events following the Wushe incident saw the 2nd time, a modern army used chemical weapons against an indigenous people. Its first use was during the Rif war.
#279 Posted : 5/21/2018 4:58:18 PM

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Kurmanjan Datka (2014)
...a little known and underrated movie about a strong woman leader from near about the Haptah Hindu/Saptah Sindhu Haoma mountains, who bought her people some extra time (few years) after the dead-hearts-monkey-army destroyed the Khanate of Kokand and the Emirate of Bukhara, the last independant state in Middle Earth (besides I-ran and Af-ghanistan)

Full movie is on YT with eng subs (Cannot be embedded)
#280 Posted : 5/21/2018 9:27:00 PM
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Quetzal7 wrote:

Fehérlófia (wow, this animation is so unique!!!)

insanely beautiful animation and amazing soundtrack, sound design and voice acting.
ancient hunnic and avaric creation myths galore.

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