Interesting post. It gives me questions.
First, are you okay? Do
you feel like you are integrating your experiences, as you would use that word?
Why do you say it was a bad thought to think you are special?
What was/ were your dosages like, and your intention, and set / setting?
Time, and the experience thereof, are tricky things and elusive and defy linear measurement, imho. Sure, we can count up the sunrises and how many times the earth goes round the sun and write them down, but come on, no two days feel the same length really, do they? No two minutes feel the same length to me. Some months pass by in a flash but it's entirely possible to spin them out and experience time dilation in daily life and get a little more out of it all. It's still a minuscule nothing, compared to cosmic timescales, but for us little earthsqueakers it's significant enough...
Until we are all free, we are none of us free.
Emma Lazarus