polytrip wrote:
When they say they're pro-life, it means: killing doctor's who perform abortions. Pro-family means: anti-gay and anti-alternative ways of living (unmarried couples, single mothers and fathers, etc)
pro-american means: Seeking all possible means to destroy other nations, pro-israel means: anti-palestine, etc.
There's never anything positive about them. There is never something they actually are in favor of. They only want to destroy things.
Let's take some of these ideas that you have presented, and take an alternative look for second. Humor me, if you will.
Pro-choice means murder and maining innocent baby by crushing their skulls or dismembering them. Pro-gay means destroying the fundamental institutions that hold this society together and indoctrinating everyone into being a bunch of fags(Excuse my language). Pro-diversity means that you would like to see our culture destroyed so everyone else can be happy. Pro-palestine means that you think the Israeli's should give up everything that they fought so hard for even though they have been willing to comprimise and the palestinians will never be satisfied until every last jews is dead.
That's not saying I'm on one side or the other, but that is how the "conservative side" looks at you. To you, they are insane, negative, and only want to hold you down. To them, you are gullible, want to destroy family values, and a heartless baby killing bastard. Both side have been quick to judge one another and made few, if any, attempts to understand one another.
For the record, I'd say I'm a civil libertarian, as much as I can be anyways.
You lock the door, and throw away the key
There's someone in my head but it's not me