[quote=starway6]Well i have to admit this combo wasnt right..
I tryed the combo and it didnt work.. i think i had the wet pad too pluged up with the hardened tea syrup reducing air flow and causing most of the dmt to get destroyed?
I believe most of my positive effects came from the small amount of tea i drank about 60 to 70 minutes before vaping the dmt .[.and they were very positive ones indeed!
I was just trying to avoid any stomach problems by trying smoking the crude extract,,i think a rue MAOI extracted properly should work much better..
It seems that the tea syrup turns into a grey cinder after heating with a torch lighter and how much MAOI one can get from it may be disapointing?
The heat may have even destroyedmost of the MAOI... not shure...this extracting rue or caapi is new to me..
I like the idea of vaporizing a more pure extracted maoi if it will vaporize properly...
Well im picking up from this above post...
Ive found the right way to use the water only extracted rue/caapi syrup and it works well for me without having to extract the alcaloids by the book...
This time i water extracted..[boiled] a combo of rue seed ..[only one gram] and a small pile of caapi leaf...just enough for one pipe load...
I did the [water only] extraction the same way as i explained above ..and reduced the water till i was left with only a syrup on bottom of pot...
I found that trying to fire up the syrup by itself was probibly destroying a lot of it.!.and this time i simply mixed a small amount of grain alcohol into the crude syrup ..that way i could pick up all most all of the extracted syrup and simply pour the mixture into a small shot glass with crushed caapi leaf..
I mixed the extracted solution all through the caapi leaf and fan dryed it...
After it dryed and infused into the leafe particles the leafe had a shiny coated look...
Well..i smoked the infused leaf after all the alcohol evaporated ..it was only one small bowl and it was quite smooth not harsh at all!
Then i switched bowls to one with only 21 drops of acacia tincture already prepared and vaped it..
It came on super smooth but strong!,, and before long i got this great tryptomine buzz all through me..i could feel it in my lips arms and whole body ..everything started to breath and shine all around me with music playing i layed down still buzzing nicely closed my eyes and was emersed in many CEVs and after a while i found i could bring up almost anything i wanted to see and feel...
It was a very nice experiance the last time i felt this way many months back i entered the buffalo skull..i visulized a buffalo skull and in the center of the skull was a jaged crack..
As i floated towards the skull the crack slowly opened up.. [like a doorway] and i saw a beautyfull natural world like a destert scene .. with plants and flowers and birds with blue skys overhead! it was a world of pure peace..
I could probibly skip the filtering but i was concerned that crushed rue seed might be harsh??
This simple infusion method seems to work well..it seems that infused leaf releases the [maoi goods] better because its infused into the leaf?
So the simple water extraction works well as long as it is in the leafe..