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A Meditation Kriya That Changa Taught Me Options
#1 Posted : 9/3/2017 6:12:59 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Brothers and Sisters,

I want to share this practice with my fellow Nexians who feel moved to use Changa as part of a healing practice, for meditation and self-explorations. This was inspired by this thread originally. https://www.dmt-nexus.me...amp;m=803149#post803149 Though this is not a daily practice, just one I use when the spirit moves me to get unstuck or tuned in.

I like to start early, before sunrise. While my coffee brews I will do some light warm-ups of my body and drinking 1 cup of filtered water slowly. Usually this is some slow easy sun salutations, cat-cow poses to loosen up the low back so being seated for 20-30 minutes won’t bother my body. I have a daily practice so my body is acclimated to seated meditation. Developing a strong core is for the purpose of meditation. My personal daily regimen is traditional Hatha for the body and Kundalini as taught by Yogi Bhajan for training the mind. They both have cross benefits. Any form that speaks to you really: martial arts, Tai Chi, find whatever centers you. Before the ceremony I usually just do light warm ups rather than a full on yoga session.

It is best to have a bowel movement before the physical warm up, at least before the Changa. 1 cup of coffee after the warm-up and water will usually accomplish this for me. Stop at one cup or it will add tension to the journey.

I take a pre-measured breakthrough dose of Changa, head out to the garden and sit in easy pose (simple cross legged) Then I put 1/3 to 1/2 into the bowl. I will do some alternate nostril breathing to calm the heart and regulate the breath. After speaking an intention/prayer aloud I will ignite the bubbler until the Changa is inhaled. On the out breath, I set the pipe and lighter to the side and put my hands in prayer pose.

After exhaling and a deep inhale I begin a Kriya whose physical movements were given to me by my Changa a few months ago as pictured below. I have incorporated the Sa Ta Na Ma mantra into the work silently projected from my mind as I do the Kriya in breath movements OR out loud in a one deep breath beginning each round. I do this for an undetermined time. 3, 11, 31 or 62 minutes would be a typical Kundalini mantra timing for purists (although this is something borrowed) but I never use a clock. One could take intervals to go deeper with the Changa as desired, I stay within the range of where I can see the plant energies of the garden “speak”. With closed eyes there is some patterning in yellow or orange usually or bright light as if the sun is on my eyes (although I practice in shade) So far I have not felt a desire to reach breakthrough doses for this practice. This works for what I need. Ego blocks dissolve and I can see places I have been in denial or felt stuck in and solutions are revealed.

SA TA NA MA or Kirtan Kriya is described here http://www.kundaliniyoga.org/lesson_15 but the meaning of the words is basically (Sa)Eternity, (TA)Life, (NA)Death, (MA)Rebirth.

Post Kriya, I do a silent meditation and integrate whatever comes up and end with a prayer of gratitude. Often in reflection tears come for various reasons, joy usually being the end result of integration.

If the Mods feel this better suited for another section feel free to move this thread but I started here in Spirituality because this has become part of my personal spiritual practice I feel is worth sharing. Mysticism because this Kriya was revealed to me during a Changa session and it took things to a level that I get consistent benefit from.

You can take what works for you, modify and PLEASE share your experience with this Kriya should you decide to try it.
skoobysnax attached the following image(s):
CHANGA_KRIYA.png (2,250kb) downloaded 155 time(s).
Marijuana, LSD, psilocybin, and DMT they all changed the way I see
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Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
Rivaq's Matilda
#2 Posted : 9/12/2017 1:28:59 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thankyou for posting the gift Changa gave.

I tried the Kriya slow and faster, timing the speed according to my natural breath flow, because I got taught different methodology than that of Kundalina Yoga, of avoiding manipulating the breath, except as in Bunda strengthening exercises, and daily practice of what gets called "Belly rolls", (I don't know what the accompanying mantras are for, but got told by a Sikh man that this is the most important daily practice,...other instructions I had came via the work of George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff, and include an exercise lying down on the back, which is similar to your SA TA MA NA Kriya, but more passive.)

I think such experiential lessons, given through psychedelic plants, are like individualized prescriptions of what is necessary now.

What about what happens if you do the SA TA MA NA Kriya/exercise without Changa?
When given such a gift, you need trial it within all potential environmental variables, before knowing what the gift is. Is your core strength different depending upon Changa?

a mother a daughter a lover of life, an exorcist of addictions if ere in need of the strife, and at bottom line a wife, I might well be a bore, yet have no doubt, I stand among the poor, and beg not what for, that hat hath at, nobody's mind fell too flat
#3 Posted : 9/15/2017 7:51:08 PM

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fantastic: SATNAAM, reminds we of some Radha Soami(& Sant Mat) kriyas - an interesting non sectarian''sannnnnnnd (sant)'' groups -
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