Any advice would be appreciated.
Below is my Caapi vine. It's a little over a year old growing here in Los Angeles. I recently had to transplant it and, as you can see, it has suffered quite a shock.
It's the dead of summer here and it's been quite hot. So it's normal that every day around 5pm the leaves are quite shriveled but once it cools off and the direct sun goes away they perk back up.
Now that I added the stress of transplanting it to the daily stress of LA summer I am afraid it may not survive.
I tried cloning it but that experiment failed because of my roommates cat.
The transplanted location now only just barely gets direct sunlight now so I think, if it survives, its going to be much better off and the new place leaves so much room for it to grow freely.
So once again any advice would be great. Water it extra? Water it less? Add fertilizer? Should I trim back the bits that are clearly a lost cause?
I already pre-treated the new plant location with humic acid and I adjusted hopefully that is helping.
Fingers crossed....
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