I recently participated in a healing energy session. I have not been meditating for more than 3 weeks and decided to do a healing session.
In this session I began to physically cry, tears just kept coming and my eyes were flickering I couldn't hold them shut at first I had no idea why, the thought then came to me it was because I missed my family who were not the family I have on earth. In my mind I was there, in a new space I have not been before surrounded by stars and there was a lake with a golden top.
I met people who I learnt were my mother and brother , they told me they were my soul family not my bilological family and that my brother is watching over me and this is my last cycle on earth. I joked and laughed with my brother about human traits I had developed and how they were not my true self.
Over all I felt a huge wash over of happiness and relief whilst I was there, I felt myself coming back into the room and into my body where I felt like my soul was happy and could enjoy the last minutes of the healing session and listening to the music.
When I finished and left the room I broke down crying , I missed my brother so much and felt the miss of him, even now I still feel something I cannot explain.
To clarify I don't have a brother and the lady I saw was not my birth mother. I felt these people were of a higher realm and did not belong to earth.
I am very confused as to what to make of it , if anyone has any similar experiences please get in touch or any advice as to wat to research. Thanks