I absolutely need to share this miracle with everyone.
I stumbled across someone that had a wax atomizer for his cannabis at a small party. I saw him put some wax in his vaporizer atomizer from across the room and immediately sprung up to pester him with 1,001 questions. The atomizer in question, and the focus of this accounting is the
Divine Crossing v3 atomizer.
I bought the atomizer with a sale link floating around reddit, requesting in the comment section of the order page the black version to match my Joyetech vTwo mod. It arrived in very short order.
Upon opening the retail grade packaging you have the following contents securely nestled inside the interior foam liner:
-1 Pre-assembled atomizer ready to go out of the box
-2 replacement ceramic donut coils individually wrapped
-10 replacement screws in baggie
-1 screw-driver
-1 metal spatula which has a through-hole for cordage or keyring
-1 Manual
Me being me, before taking it out for a test flight decided to tear it apart and try to break it before getting to use it.
The atomizer has a mouthpiece which is easily removable from the main body of the atomizer. The friction fit between the two is sealed with two o-rings that appear to be silicone. It's a light friction fit that you should be somewhat cautious of because I have once absentmindedly grabbed the mod+atomizer combo by the mouthpiece and the weight of the mod sent the mod and atomizer dropping to the floor. The mouthpiece has a dome-shaped splatter guard. I am pretty certain that the package included spare o-rings, but I can't say for certain as I lost them if it did (very likely). The body of the atomizer and the mouthpiece are glazed ceramic and glossy in appearance available in white or black.
The atomizer itself has a non-adjustable airflow vent in the shape of the symbols "V3". Opposite of this is a stamped 'ohm' symbol. There are three screws which retain the internal components. Upon removal, the internals reveal the ceramic donut and cup being held into the electrode posts by two more identical screws. Assembly of the atomizer and the replacement of the donut is self explanatory.
The business part of the atomizer is a flat ceramic donut shaped electrode retained in a ceramic cup which has four small holes in the bottom for airflow and the electrical contacts. The two electrical contacts for the electrode are thin nickel wire appearing to be ~28 gauge in diameter which go through the two perfectly sized smaller holes on opposite sides of the cup. Along the other axis are the two airflow holes. The premise being you place your material on the donut, which begins to vaporize the material and the airflow comes up from underneath the donut catching the vapor in the stream. Because of this design one needs to be careful in the amount of material you place in the device, too much and it can possibly drip through the airflow holes and leak out onto your mod. But in the application we're discussing here this shouldn't be a problem on account of our relatively small doses and lack of need for loading multiple hits into this unlike one would do for toking on some cannabis.
In all, before even taking off with this product I am genuinely impressed with it's incredibly simple design and engineering and it's build quality and feel. I am no expert with this vape stuff by any measure.
Now onto what you all wanna know...
"so Orion, how does it work?"
One word: Flawlessly
This thing is absolutely amazing. It's as simple as setting your mod up in Temperature Control mode with the Nickel setting and targeting 300-350f and pressing a button, next thing you know you're in hyperspace. No lighter, no nothing. It makes breaking through absolutely child's play.
The MAJOR benefit I see that this atomizer has over other options is the fact that there's no wick to get clogged up or burned. There's no mixing of spice with e-juice liquid and flubbing up the ratios. And it retains your ability to precisely and carefully control your dosages without accidentally getting too much or missing the mark and getting too little.
My only concern with this thing is that the outside body is ceramic in construction and not metal on account of me breaking things too easily. I am toying with the idea of busting out some stainless 316L rod stock and machining a new housing for myself which is indestructible. But that'll be a pet project.
What's it like qualitatively? Again, flawless. I'll convey the quality aspect with my first attempt with the device, picking up where we left off after re-assembling it from my teardown...
After replacing the three outside screws I grabbed my Joyetech eVic vTwo mod from the shelf and removed the Cubis tank and set it aside. I attached the new atomizer and reprogrammed the mod setting it up into Temperature Control mode for Nickel and selecting 340f for the temperature. I did a few second dry firing of the atomizer with the mouthpiece removed to observe it. Nothing. "Ok kitten" I say to the cat shoving her aside as I make myself a comfortable nest of pillows on my bed.
I retrieve my spice and place 50mg of crystal onto the donut. I tap the button for a split second and the spice oozes out from it's spot glazing over the flat surface of the donut. "cool" I mumble. "Meow" the cat says in agreement.
I return the mouthpiece onto the atomizer and position myself in the pillow nest. The manual says to keep the atomizer "in an upright position while hitting, not at an angle or out to the side for optimal operation and efficient vaporization". I figure I'll heed that advice for spice as well, so I sit up with the plan to lay back when it starts to hit. I'm expecting to take a couple hits spaced apart to see how it hits and how well it vaporizes
I put it to my lips starting to inhale lightly without trying to force it and depress the button.
'one...two...three...four...five...six...' I'm counting in my head knowing my mod has a 10 second cutoff.
'WHY AM I NOT GETTING ANYTHING? eight...nine...ten...' I let go of the button still inhaling and quickly decide i've barely filled up my lungs and depress the button a second time
'one...two...three...ah f*** it'I let go of the button and take it away from my mouth. Still holding my breath in case I got even a little bit of anything I'm getting ready to take the mouthpiece off... And then i start to feel it. That tension and warmth migrating into my back, up my spine, into my neck.
I haven't even begun to feel respiratory stress from holding my breath and I find my head weighing a metric ton as it teeters backwards and I fall backwards into my pillows as body euphoria hits me like an oceanic wave sent my way by Poseidon himself. and
WHAM I was in hyperspace.
To say I was in total shock is an understatement. it hit me faster than anything I've ever experienced and it had absolutely no flavor and went down as easy as sucking in fresh morning air through a drinking straw. I literally went from thinking I got absolutely nothing but air to breaking through in a matter of seconds, and I didn't even remember breathing out it hit so quick.
I come back to this world laughing out loud enough that the cat is standing on the foot of the bed looking nervous and ready to flee. "yes! OH MY GOD YES!!!" The cat flees.
So how about repeatability? just how reliable is this thing? Again, and I know you're getting tired of hearing this word, FLAWLESS. Not including the first time accounting you just read I've used this atomizer ten more times and got ten more effortless breakthroughs. Each time it's the same. Load the spice. press the button. inhale. breakthrough. No fuss, No muss.
In no uncertain terms this thing is absolutely FLAWLESS. It definitely is THE next best thing in hyperspace launch vehicles and deserves to be mentioned in the same breath as the hallowed and venerable GVG. Just do yourself a favor and get it. It's your loss if you don't.
*Note: At the time of this writing there is a sale link floating around reddit to get this amazing device for the low price of $26.20, exercise your google-fu.
My mod:
http://www.joyetech.com/product/evic-vtwo/Roses are red
Violets are blue
Take the third hit
Then youuu....