Rising Spirit wrote:...And in this light, near death experiences alone, almost never facilitate entering into sky-high Samadhi states. Whereas, there are many souls who enter into higher frequency states of conscious-awareness, under the enigmatic force of entheogens. ...
No entheogens (clinical) death visitors coming back: give or take 10% have NDE.
On entheogens, as you say, 'higher-states' success rate is a ton higher.
suppose/suggest the 'higher state' is an inter-phase layer between life/death.
-> on e.g. cardiac arrests the body is actually dying and chances to overshoot the inter-phase rise to 90%, the non-NDE experiences right there.
-> On entheogens the body isn't dying, your system as a whole knows that, and success to end up in the inter-phase are thus legion.
Speaking of no-experiences: these also happen under enteogens, the black outs. Another way to overshoot the interphase?
This opens a perspective on the inter-phase itself, why should it be only a thin possibility?
On enteogens one could end up in another corner than on e.g. cardiac arrests, why not. Why should we ever presume that it should be the same? If there are similarities then that could be an overlap between the different corners present in the inter-phase world. 5Meo could have a larger overlap with e.g. cardiac arrests than DMT, hence more similarities found.
Just thinking out loud