Plants I'm growing
Hawaiian Baby Woodrose
Mimosas Tenuiflora
Acacia Maidenii
Commiphora Wightii
Passiflora Edulis
Mitragyna Speciosa (Rifat and Pink Vein Indo)
Pereskiopsis Spathulata
Leonitis Leonurus
Psychotria Viridis
Psychotria Nexus
Banisteriopsis Caapi "Ourinhos"
Trichocereus Grandiflorus
Trichocereus Spachianus
Trichocereus JS350
Trichocereus Bridgesii Monstrose Clone B
Trichocereus Huancoensis x SS02xSS01
Trichocereus Werdermannianus
Trichocereus Bridgesii
Trichocereus Peruvianus IcarosDNA
I Just sowed some more cacti seeds on 8/12/17
Trichocereus Validus x SS02xSS01
Trichocereus SS02xSS01 x Pachanoi "Jessica"
Trichocereus Bridgesii "Helen x Bridgesii "Baker"
Trichocereus Peruvianus "Peru 2" x Pach "Jessica"
Trichocereus Peruvianus "Clyde" x Juuls
Trichocereus Macrogonus x "Helen"
Trichocereus Scopulicola x "Baker"
And an unkown mix of Trichocereus Hybrids
I have leftover seeds of all these cacti
I have a rooted cutting of Salvia Divinorum being sent to me this week as well.
I have a decent seed collection also
Datura Stramonium
Moringa Oleifera
Heimia Salicifolia
Ilex Vomitoria
Commiphora Wightii
Silene Capensis
Marrubium Vulgare
Catha Edulis
Scutellaria lateriflora
Argyreia nervosa "Hawaiian"
Nicotiana Rustica
Hyoscyamus Albus
Silybum marianum
Lycium barbarum
Leonitis Leonurus
Leonitis Nepetifolia
Leonitis sibiricus
Artemisia absinthium
Artemisia afra
Acacia Maidenii
Acacia Simplicifolia
Atropa Belladona var. Lutea
Phalaris Truncata - Algeria
Desmanthus illinoensis
Holy Basil
Incarvillea delavayi
Papaver Somniferum "Tasmanian Purple" and "Giganthemum"
Verbascum Thupsus
Bombax Malabaricum
Passiflora Edulis
Salvia apiana
Black Spanish radish
Red okra
Blue cocoa bean
Indigo Rose Tomato
Orange Banana Tomato
Amish Paste Tomato
Touchon (long) Carrot
Yellow Watermelon
Red Watermelon
New England Pie Pumpkin
Waltham Butternut Squash
Texas longhorn okra
Paris Island Romaine
Decorative eggplant
I first became interested in psychedelic when I was in 5th grade...I remember being and class when some people from D.A.R.E came in and they talked about LSD and how it made you see things, I remember talk of pink and purple elephants and instead of making me scared of the substance it just made me more curious.
At the time we had dial-up internet and AOL was like the main thing I was able to use, it wasn't until the summer of 8th grade that I stumbled upon and began religiously studying all manner of psychoactive plants and fungi. I studied everything I could everyday, I still research to this day, the quest for knowledge is never ending, and ever growing.
My first psychedelic experience happened at a young age, It was summer time and school was out, me and a friend had already been regularly smoking cannabis, we met up with a girl we knew, she was older and had a car. She took us to some guys house for a small get together around a fire. It was about a 2 acre property, I hung out and got stoned with the people there, when suddenly this guy walks up to me, he introduced himself as the owner of the property and told me he was a heroin addict, and asked me and my friend if we wanted to get some, we decided one time couldn't hurt, so my friend left with him to go get some with the guy.
They got back and we both snorted a small amount, shortly after the owner came up to us and asked us if we liked mushrooms, our eyes got wide and full of excitement we both said that we had never tried them, but had done alot of research and really wanted too.
He hands us some flashlights and some brown paper bags and says he has his own private cow field that's lined with a sprinkler system and tells us to go pick as many as we can.
So we did, altogether we found and picked over 150 mushrooms...yes we actually counted them all. After picking we brought them back to the guy and he grabbed two of them and tossed them, said that the rest of what we picked was all psilocybin mushrooms and too have fun.
We split the amount evenly between the two of us, the mushrooms were relatively small aside from some medium sized Cubensis, I am not sure on fresh weight I just know we ate them all.
Anyway that was my introduction to psychedelics..
The psychedelic that has been most beneficial to me has been DMT, but I have a love for all natural psychedelics, and psychedelics in general.
I have done about 30 different psychedelics (natural and chemical) And I've tripped upwards of 300+ times
Of all my experiences the most valuable to me have been Ayahuasca (Changa, Tea, DMT individually vaporised), Mescaline, Mushrooms, and LSD.
Thanks for the questions, really picked my brain, it was quite enjoyable to take a Trip down memory lane