Well, first of all i have to say that i am amazed by this forum in the sense that the questionnaire i was put to answer "forced" me to research (google) many things and it shows me that it's on a whole other level compared to other forums, independantly of the matter of interest.
Up until recently i was mainly "interested" in cannabis considering psychoactive plants. SWIM made a very simple STB extraction based on David Barlow's vid (really, it's much more difficult to bake a cake than follow the directions on this video
) and i got to test it. Wow about the effects, double wow about the world that was opening in front of me and i don't mean hyperspace! I started reading, finally got to extract some harmala freebase too (i learned the hard way that the brew stains really badly and not to try to extract 1 kilo of syrian rue for the first few tries). By the way, harmala fb goes awesomely well with cannabis, for real. I get easily anxious by THC, it has literally removed all the anxiousness. Brainfog is at the same levels though, maybe a little bit extra, but that depends on other factors too
.I am getting into microdosing harmala alkaloids these days, first impressions seem interesting.
Other than that, i got interested in herbal tinctures, just dipping herbs in apple cider vinegar, waiting for some weeks for the alks to come out. Soon, i will be trying my Damiana-Catuaba mix, will post here, see if it makes me extra horny
. That and mandrake wine, i found a nice recipe in the "Encyclopedia of psychoactive plants".
Anyways, i hope i can give back, at least a part of what i have learned mainly through this forum, thanks to everyone who shares his knowledge and efforts, it is something i appreciate deeply.
Namaste boys and girls