So SWIM had about 1g of yellow spice and some orange goo and try the re x for the first time and got pretty good results.
Swim took about 40ml of hot naptha and mix it with the spice and goo and immediately the impurities dropped to the bottom of the glass, separated the naphtha from the impurities and freeze precipitated for 24 hours in the freezer.
The result was a hard waxy yellowish product covering all the small pyrex that Swim used, and on top of that white fluffy crystals.
It was very easy to scrape the white crystals without getting any of the yellowish spice that was under the white crystals.
After Swim scraped all of the white crystals, also scraped the yellowish space that was left behind, it was very hard stock to the glass but with the razor blade I was able to scrape it, and it turn into yellow powder. So I ended up with 2 different products, I'm guessing the yellow spice has more fat plants and can be re x again to clean it a bit further.
No goo at all at the final product (first time ever. Normally Swim gets yellow crystals and some goo, always using cybs tek with MHRB)
Clearly the goo can turn into nice crystals after re x.
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