Hi Everyone,
How's it going, just introducing myself, been a fan of the spice for a few years and my interest seems to grow the more I read and learn about it. This message board is truly a gold mine of sacred information, I couldn't be more glad to have found it. I find myself drifting from the mainstream society as I'm sure most of us do, the older I get as I am still young, the more I want to learn about the world and what's in it, what its made up of, all the crazy questions that we really can't answer. Reality is an interesting concept, I'm curious about it, what is this life that we are living, are we represented by other creatures, other living things like insects, trees, animals? Listening to Alan Watts has made me wonder!!! It's great to find a community of people who have an open mind, because the public that I interact with on a day to day basis, that we all interact with, the majority do not think past the surface, I personally, wonder a lot aboutt his world we are all in, life is about living, understanding, connecting, thinking past what we can see has always been something I enjoy
One of the things that really intrigues me is the natural existence of these substances like spice, peyote, lsd, psilocybin, well I guess they aren't all "naturally occuring" but it is mind boggling to me that these things exist and that we are either able to pick them right from the earth or create them and through ingestion... the fact that they have the effects that they do, it must mean something! I'm not looking for the answer particularly...but It's nice to know that there's a lot more going on in this universe than we as humans can actually see with our own eyes.
Anyway, I would say I am pretty novice as far as knowledge goes but Im so happy to have found this site and I really look forward to reading much of the info that has been shared on here. I'm super grateful for this community, so thanks for letting me join, I'm excited to learn and thank you for making this what it is.
Be kind to all, theres no room for negativity or superiority. We are all the same, just humans, no better or worse than each other, regardless of our status in life, we are the same, our job, our income, our own personal interests does not negate the fact that we we are all equal, we are all indeed...humans
. Just like a lion is a lion or a tiger is a tiger or an ant is an ant, a lady bug is a lady bug, there may be a king and a queen of the hive, but to me, we are all just one species with the exact same parts, we act the same, we carry out the same basic needed to survive each day, just know... you are no better or no worse than anyone, we are all simply humans.