FutureShaman wrote:Our mind can be represented with mathematics. How this happens is unsolved question, but it is fact that we have created very limited consciousness as form of AI which can be seen working in selfdriving cars. AI itself is just purely mathematical concept in the deep end, consciousness is just purely mathematical concept. Sure AI itself is very undeveloped yet but Collective consciousness of AI scientist think we see the capability of AI beat human mind in everything in next 50-100 years. So as consciousness is just math and lot of it unsolved: it boggles my mind to concentrate my trips and have intention to translate my mind as form of mathematics.
Basic shamanic ritual or psychedelic therapy session include same forms to solve problems in patient's mind where patient itself takes role of healer, a person who changes problems to possibilities and understand they are same. Shaman or Therapist makes sure set&settings or space is supportive for patient's intention. Now I have intention to understand mathematics on psychedelics.
This is my experience: the human being sees what she/he wants to see (to perceive); then declares "This [perception] is the world." This revelation is generally followed by the human desire to impose this belief/understanding/perception on the rest of us. In other words, if the human already has a predisposition for mathematics: the Universe, the Spirit behind the universe, shows mathematics everywhere.
Sacred geometry is a form of mathematics, set aside from the cultural container of Phonetic-Roman numerals. For many Westerners, the presence of Phonetic alphabet, using Romanized numbers is the only mathematics that the one can comprehend. Yet, is "checkbook math" which Romanized numbers were made to do; is this the only system of math that is culturally available for us all?
There are maths which are symbolic in nature, and which are not subject to Western logic. It is the non-Westernized math, of the symbolic and geometrical variety which I have encountered during my voyages.
It's been my experience that the entheogenic substances I've ingested, want me, as a person, to extinguish the pre-existing mathematical concepts which actually stunt, and stupify my growth as a person.
If there is one who has a predeliction for mathematics, it would be my hope that this one sets for his or her clearly stated intention to make this current bullsh* mathematical system open-up; so this one can see the symbolic values and systems of universal math, rather than the imprisoning maths of Western society. The maths of the Western society aren't concerned about any thing, except taking your money--keeping it from you, in addition to whatever is necessary to keep you prisoner or as a slave.
It is my experience that sometimes the stated intention to understand something brings forth the actual deconstruction of this thing (mathematics for example), which one holds in such high esteem. In my case, the phonetic-based numbers, dissolved, and gave-way to the superior logic of symbolic orders: sacred geometry, which has accompanied mankind from the very beginning.
So, yes, while consciousness does have the consistency of a mathematical-base, it is not, summarily, logically consistent to declare that this mathematical order is Western-based "checkbook math" of the Romanized alphabet.
It is my experience that psychedelics and entheogenic plants have a mindset of unity and ego-sublimating, which mathematics, of its own self, don't allow for. Math in the Western sense, is not able to deal with quantum non-locality, with morphic resonance, with intuition and telepathy, with non-materiality. It is my experience that the field of the entheogens, is not one in which mathematics is able to explain. There is a solid core of experiences which attend psychedelic substances is not able to explain for itself, using non-logical, non-mathematical terms. There is a solid core of happenings in the field of the psychedelic and entheogenic realms which are never MEANT TO mathematically quantify in a logical context, yet are perfectly content to live illogically under the rubric of "the psychedelic experience."
It's my experience that mathematics are only the way logical people communicate logical ideas. Yet, math can't define, nor describe intuition: that sense a mother has, say for example, when her child is in danger. Math doesn't support this, can't prove it, and therefore math dismisses it as a valid experience...yet don't we all know that this happens? More to the point, don't we depend more on this truth, than in the sacredness of balancing one's checkbooks?
Relative to therapist, or social worker: yes the person will provide a certain "setting" to help an individual to work-out his or her problems...up to a point. It is my experience that any given therapist only has so many tools at his, or her disposal to help one see the reasoning of society at large. After that point, the given professional depends upon the patient to work-out his or her "salvation" outside the confines of the office. The therapist gives tools and techniques for helping the patient to find closure OUTSIDE of the office visit. The best thing a therapist has to offer is an ear to hear your problems. Then, there are some suggestions/exercises for working through the problems--yet relative to these professionals, you help yourself. So for me, I'm not sure what the analogy to a therapist is, when you're talking about The Great Spirit showing you the secrets to mathematics.
The Omniverse will always provide the answer. This is the easy part. Ask, you shall receive.
The real problem comes once you know. Playing dumb is no longer an option.