I also read several other books from authors like Rätsch, Liggenstorfer, Hoffmann, McKenna(both), Storl and some more.
I also ordered
One River - from Wade Davis which should cover also some stories about Schultes since he was one of his students.
To Drink of Death: The Narrative of a Shuar Warrior - from Janet Wall Hendricks
I just finished reading Dennis Mckennas "Brotherhood of The Screaming Abyss" and i really liked the empirical aspects of it, when he is talking about their times in the amazon.
So I think a mix out of field report and stories from indigenous people about their myths and visions might be cool. Since I am an artist I am really interested in the content of the visions. The Symbols and so on. Also the differences between the Visions of different groups like Shuar, Shipibo and so on, would be interesting.
I searched for example books about the shipibo / Conibo and didn't find so much.
It suprised me to see how few books there are about such a widely known culture.
I started the "Singing to the plants" book and find it a bit confusing and chaotic so far.
Its a somehow wild mix between personal story and some short and chaotic quotes out of really different / divergent books. I can give a full review when finished...
@Forestwalker any suggestion is welcome