I took the time to read the text of your presentation. Youve been putting a lot of material out there, and putting it here for review, and I'm not so sure you are liking the results of that 'peer review'. I'm not so sure that this will help. All I see is a lot of woo and subjective experience masquerading as science. Perhaps you can clarify some of these points:
Quote::“DMT-amplified human consciousness serves as a signal that is of great interest to conscious and intelligent lifeforms; beings that are otherwise unseen and presently outside the cataloguing of life as we know it. We can choose to call these spiritual beings; conscious energies; intelligent discarnate entities; or even aliens”
…Amplified human consciousness exhibits an uncommon high density, and unusual perceptive qualities that are at once sensible within and without the researcher. The field of consciousness of the manifesting spiritual entity can exhibit extreme density, and has the capacity to temporarily meld its mind into the amplified consciousness of the researcher…”
These points of conjecture are just that. This is not even presented as hypothesis, or as a subject of personal inquiry but rather stated as out and out fact. Furthermore the ideas presented are pure mumbo jumbo and make absolutely no sense. What exactly is an uncommonly high density applied to consciousness? Are you saying that because the mind tends to be overwhelmed by the light and sound of a trip that it is somehow "high density" and that is some kind of beacon for aliens? And this is science? It's not even 'the occult', as you apply no esoteric teaching to your model either, its all you!
Quote:on the basis of that incredible capacity to impose unimaginable power with
in one’s research setting that one can appear to be raised off the ground by some small distance, and thereby experience states of illusory movement, as the being subtly manipulates its body-of-mind beneath one’s recumbent physical body to convincingly create that perception. By and large, depending upon the experience, one usually only becomes aware of this as the experience draws to a close
Really? So you had a somatic perception that wasn't cohesive with your reality on drugs? That means...you were on a hallucinogen...
(my other response was "pics or it didn't happen"
Quote:The uncommon high density of amplified human consciousness, and the extreme density of manifested discarnate entities, both display a capacity to transmit sound pressure waves far more readily than air alone. This accounts for apparent increases in the quality of sounds and the volume of sound…In certain circumstances it also enables direct visual observation of compression and rarefaction phases in low frequency sounds emitted from speaker cones. Conversely, I suggest the capacity of these beings to suddenly create an improbable environmental silence a complete shutting out of all ambient noise derives from their ability to form an acoustic barrier; one exhibiting the relevant properties of density, rigidity, and imperforation”
F@@K!!! REALLY!?!? Where is the pulling the last hair outta my head emoji?
Quote:he characteristics of DMT-induced amplified human consciousness seem to proportionally relate to the intensity and the frequency of the energetic reaction that takes place at what feels like the pineal site of the brain. Obviously dose and factors relating to inhalation are relevant. When indoors, with a sufficient dose, amplified human consciousness appears as a visually very obvious field or volume of energy. One which rapidly becomes very turbulent. Here, I would argue the Beer-Lambert law is applicable. This law states that when radiant energy impinges upon a surface it is either transmitted, reflected, or absorbed. It took me a great many indoor experiments to work that out, because it was usually within seconds, if not apparently instantaneously, that something else had arrived and imposed its own power of mind”
Here, an appeal to authority is used by citing an obscure law of physics, so damn, the audience is thinking, he's gotta be sincere right? That said, what the hell does it mean, again applied to your visual hallucinations?
Quote:” other invasive machination involved sealing up my lips from within, using that strange quasi-physical substance. On numerous occasions I suspected my lips were being tightly sealed shut from within. But my mesmeric state precluded the capacity or the courage to test the integrity of that seal. Implicit trust is paramount in these encounters. But as we have just heard, that trust can be severely tested. When I did eventually find the capacity to test that seal, by trying to
Here, you basically contradict yourself regarding the power held over you as a 'puppet' for these discarnate entities...
DMT and psychedelics are poised under the spot on the world stage, and all the world is paying attention. Spots are open for speakers to fill at conferences and people are hungry for information. It is dismaying that a subject with so much potential is so often the bedfellow of UFO aficionados rather than critical thinkers. Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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