It is done!
Hours, days, weeks were spent with full dedication, work almost totally forgotten, laser focus, research, endless searches, dead ends, frustration.
There were many issues, several mistakes and there was a sense of disappointment
*sigh* I wanted it to be perfect, don't we all?
It was time, I was cautious and nervous but very curious!
I inhaled a tiny oily brown goo smudge, nothing.. I waited and inhaled 30mg.. Hmm there is something, is that it? it was so subtle, very slight - 30mg should of launched me, maybe not all the way but certainly not subtle.. I again questioned everything..
With some disappointment I walked to the kitchen, grabbed a glass of water and jumped into bed.. I was tired.. I hadn't wanted to try it because of this, I lay down ready to sleep
4 seconds later I sprang back up, loaded ~50mg (which would normally ROCKET me into the divine) and lay back into bed
I inhaled deeply, it took me 2 breathes to get it all which is unusual for me
It was soft, different, the sound of the TV in front of me was suddenly behind me, I went right INTO the sound.. suddenly I had surround sound! My Body felt warm, tingly, and it felt like a slight sweat formed, yet my arms were cold. I could sense visuals but couldn't see them so I closed my eyes.
I could see "him" again looking back at me, welcoming me, he looked different - not as sharp, less defined angles. It was "him" but a softer him, we smiled to each other and he caressed by whole body, my entire body.. You don't normally do that, you only touch my "soul". It is a gift, enjoy it with love.
I opened my eyes smiling - it had only been seconds.
There were almost no visuals, the sound was still slightly distorted, my body felt warm and slightly tingly. I lay there for 5 minutes smiling enjoying the subtle sensations
The differences were strange, I questioned if it was different.. it had been months after all and last time it was meo which had changed everything. Maybe I was analysing it to much? I packed some changa, just a tad and the harsh smoke went into my lungs, it's the one thing I don't like, that harsh plastic taste, it coats my lungs always the same.. I didn't have that with the gift. My body temperature changed but there wasn't the caress/tingle and the sound was in front of me, I wasn't able to really focus on it as always but I didn't go into and through the sound. I coughed trying to get that "plastic" taste from my lungs which never helps, I closed my eyes briefly, he wasn't there but the usual fractals were there instead.
I look forward to trying the gift again, I don't have much and it obviously isn't strong, the 50mg hadn't launched me, it was subtle, next time maybe 80 or 100mg which would be a stupidly heroic dose of DMT but I suspect it will only be enough to get full visuals, I'm guessing I will need maybe 150mg to be at one.
The Acacia Acuminata is a special gift, you ONLY need the Phylodes and stems - Just grab a handful of leaves and cut the small stems that hold it all together, not the whole branch with thick wood. Use it all - its SO EASY! Do not hurt this plant more than you have to, there is no reason to hack the bark off the tree and there is no point in killing the tree because you want the roots! The Phylodes are just as good and so much easier to harvest and to use!
I couldn't find the narrow leaf variety (90% DMT), I had the standard fat leaf (DMT 32% reported by Jeremy at the EGA which with my trial of 30 and 50mg and my guess of 150mg to be launched seems about right) and the extraction wasn't pretty crystals.. it was deep orange "oily" goop that is hard to handle, the oil turned brown when scraped together and put into a bag.. The lack of crystals was a disappointment for me before I tried it, I thought maybe I had failed.
Obviously my expectations where wrong - reality isn't our idea of "perfect", it is natures perfection and this is the gift I was given which is a beautiful gift!
Next time I will get the narrow leaf, but the fat leaf variety with it's unusual mix of alkaloid content is interesting and I look forward to trying it again - I am still a bit unsure about the 51% MTHBC reported but I look forward to trying it further in a stronger dose
I'd like to say sorry for my n00b posts - almost ALL of my questions had already been answered (mthbc seems a bit of a mystery - the one post shows lack of testing or studies - I plan on adding a comment to this post once I have further tested my gift).. but sometimes it is hard to find stuff! Thanks to those that answered my noob posts or referred me to the information I was seeking.
The DMT nexus is a wonderful collection of information and there is a great attitude.
Lastly, thank you to the Acuminata for my wonderful gift - Muchea tree farm sells seedlings for $1.50! I plan on buying several
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti