200ug acid and two DMT trips. 16-06-2017
Hello good friends! I present to you while on the comedown on my LSD trip, my extravaganza of a journey TONIGHT!
Now let me begin, tonight I knew I wanted to go back to DMT land and from hearing from previous is that this will help keep some of the memories from the DMT trip so that I today can write you a trip report. Let me just quickly say that was a perfect combination for memory recall of that place.
Anyway the acid trip really messed with my head which was strange for 200ug of the same batch. I just really struggled to piece reality together. But I played some video games and let the peak go by.
I then decided to go to my place of worship (man cave) and prepare my DMT. Now bare with me my story writing skills are bad and my limited vocabulary.
I inhale and hold. Again. Again. Again. Now where this was different to a normal DMT trip is now I am sitting on the edge between realities so blasting off wasn't as big a trauma it was a nice smooth transition.
From what I remember from the two trips I had was that the beginning was the same. The waiting room as you call it I suppose. Where the same sequence of senses and patterns emerged before letting you into what I'll call 'gods garden'.
I also want to say it that this trip made me feel like all my previous DMT trips were like trials or tests for what I experienced today.
When I was greeted it felt like there was one huge entity of feminine nature about her. And there was another assistant? But showing me all the love equally. And there was the jester type one and he made me feel for a split second like It was my gag reflex. It felt awful! And as soon as that happened the other two entities like had to pull him back and say that's enough! And this reminded me of a previous DMT trip where I had that feeling over and over again. It wasn't great at all. But this time it was just a tease and as mad as it seems it was that point was what this whole thing was in their language. And closest to English it sounded like 'JUGHURRGA'.... something but was pronounced in that horrible way that I experienced.
Anyway after the jester was pulled away I was just floating in these gardens and they were dissecting my mind into tiny fragments. It looked like a pyramid small at the top and then branching out at the bottom and it was like there was a flow of energy from the top of the pyramid flowing to the bottom and while the energy was trickling down my mind they would dissect little segments and pointed to different points in my mind to stimulate me and they would dissect me into infinite ways. It was beautiful they would touch a point in my mind and cheekily say 'ooh' and laugh in the loving way. As that came to a close these entities disappeared up a swirly spiral staircase and I was left with these creatures trying their hardest to be terrifying and scratch at me but it was in the cutest most adorable way. These creatures were not as perfect as the main entities. These were small and aztec looking almost 2D in comparison. But it was adorable them trying to be frightening.
Anyway I came back and experienced the most beautiful thing of my life. All my other DMT trips led to this, the unveiling of its true beauty and a preview into god's garden. I just had to go back!! I wanted to feel those sensations again. And their crazy crazy 'flamgooglenark' language.
I load up the DMT again for round 2. Inhale hold. Repeat. I'm then shown the same waiting room sequence before going into god's garden again but instead of the entities I had before this was like I was down in the naughty side and there were these two naughty sisters? They would show me little peepholes like they were naughty and give me those same tingling sensations in my brain. It was a very sinister and dark vibe. And it almost got me confused why it went from having these amazing loving entities in god's garden having my mind in their arms just to not even come into contact with them on this trip. But it showed me that the DMT garden can be as dark as it is beautiful.
I would go back again tonight​ but I don't want to push my luck with them. I just honestly wish I was good at drawing to put on my mind onto paper would be fascinating artwork. But for now I can only write up in the afterglow and comedown of a 200ug acid trip. I'm thankful for the memories and they are longer lasting.
Please if you feel like you have any questions specific then fire away!
I'll go back at a later date to check spellings and grammar.
Hope you enjoy, thank you!