(will refine and add more later)
I started my journey years ago. I am roughly 30 now. About ten years ago I was introduced to LSD. It was a crazy time in my life that I was on such a destructive path that I could not have any respect for the psychedelic experiences.
Since then I have embarked on a mission to create art live in front of large groups of people and in doing so I began to absorb stories and insights from a vast variety of people.
It was last summer that i was introduced to dmt. Though I researched and became intrigued years before, I never was able to acquire the sacred elusive substance. I now understand that you don't find it, it comes to you in time. And the way it found me was after an intense drum circle I hosted at a festival. I laid all my passion and pain out on the line and sang and played from a deep place. One of vulnerability and self acceptance. This peaked the interest of a distant by stander, one who grabbed my attention by being alone, separated from the group mind and just distantly observing. I felt moved to go speak to him. This action alone changed my view on how this thing we call fate works.
Months later I had my first session with this Divine Molecule of Truth. It's reset my thought processes and also gave me a new found respect and perspective on the dimension we live in.
I felt a calling, I needed to put the work in and extract this myself, so i set out on another journey. One that paid off in ways i wouldn't be able to comprehend and I am still trying to integrate the true meaning of this responsibility.
My First Breakthrough on my first EX.
Time: Nightime...9:30
Dosage: Roughly 45-50mg
Substance: N,N, DMT extracted via STBs
Appearance of DMT: White shards of light crystal.
Intensity : +6
Uncomfortability : +7
Time : lasted 5-8 minutes before i opened eyes and room normalized
Time to baseline: 15 minutes.
"Alien Operating Room"
I was expecting a colorful, melting vision of sacred geometry and a field of morphing eye's, for this is what i was given my first time with a friends batch.
But instead, I was launched into an alien operating room. This space was oval in shape and was so vivid and white. Not normal white but the most pearlescent white you can't imagine, if i could perceive all colors at once, i suppose that would be close to There was also some sort of divine entities were intensely working inside of my mind and forcing me to breath through my nose and mouth as they slid things into me...though it was terrifying I didn't sense any malicious intent. So I went with it... Once I calmed myself, I was slowly departing this alien room and as i was falling back through lower dimensions. I could see many other faces and eyes of what I can only say are conscious observers, kind of watching me depart, with the strongest suggestion of, come back soon!
I would later hear an experience online that paralleled this almost exactly, leaving me to wonder what that, in itself, implied.
Upon returning to my 'normal' mode I realized that I was able to perceive the emotional states of those who were with me that night. The two males that were with me, they were very interested and sorta amazed by the awestruck look on my face. The female was sort of scared, uncomfortable and left me feeling nervous about her presence in this session. I was left with an intense feeling of compassion, peace, self acceptance and responsibility. It is so hard to describe this coherently for the more I type the more i remember. I will take time later to add more 'reports' to this thread. And also edit it in time to flow easier..
A conversation in a Hyperspace kitchen
Dose: 25mg
Method: Water filtered 'machine'
Setting: My meditation room, all by myself.
So I had the urge to take a journey, so I loaded my brillo with 25mg of yellow re-xed xtals.
Upon my second toke, I had that feeling like I absorbed enough so I quickly placed the tools out of reach and layed back listening to Shpongle.
I started getting intense visuals of a every color light you can't describe. But in the center of this light was a butterfly made of geometric shapes. I admired the beauty and carried on my path. Next thing I knew I was sitting at a table in a room that resembled a kitchen. A motherly feeling penetrated every aspect of this room. I then seen Her leaning against a counter. She turned and said through waves of understanding, 'What would you like to discuss?' Before I could finish my thought (What should I do about the issues involving the malicious mother of my children' I received the thought...'love and nuture your children and all will work out'. I then went on to ask what my purpose was on this plane, She 'said' " well to love and nuture everyone else too" . As I was departing I wanted to send her love, so I recalled the love i feel when I see my children, She asked ' why would you send this to me' in which i responded, ' well it's the truest form of love I know' She seemed pleased and stated ' it's your time to go, but feel free to return!'