I have worked with many entheogens..some building strong relationships with them on a personal level, others not so much..
Mainly cannabis, psilocybin mushrooms, morning glories, salvia divinorum, LSD, MDMA, magic cactus, ayahuasca/changa, cebil..some others I cant recall right now and milder dreaming herbs..
But really for my trance work I have what I currently call the four, four big ones anyway..Mushrooms, cactus, ayahuasca, and salvia.. becasue I feel they adopted me, and chose to show me certain things that they dont seem to show just anyone who takes them, I am sure many here know what I am talking about and it's why you are here on this forum as well..lots of people take these things, but not everyone takes them seriousily..I dont think I did really at first, but I went through some very personal experiences that other people I would take them with were not going through..I was a real quite, shy and sensitive kid and spent most of my time alone being my own best friend so I think I was able to sort of "listen" better when the time came..I heard my calling I guess..
..yopo is becomming a valuable spirit in my life though as well..cannabis is in there as well of course but shes more versatile and sort of serves more than one certain purpose..but definatily an ally.
Morning glories gave me one VERY powerful experience on my first encounter..HBWR I have tried as well a few times but they never brought me to the place morning glories did..maybe one day I will try glories again and decide to adopt them as well..I grow them but havent takenthem for years.
So I guess for me right now there is mushrooms, cactus, ayahuasca and salvia..yopo is new but in there..and cannabis.
I am leaning towards the fact that my use will probabily get heavier in some respects..as I have slowed down my cannabis use extensivly, I am finding it more necessary that I keep in touch with the others on a more regualr basis, at least weekly..I am married to this path..I find that as my work increases(mainly with mushrooms, lately anyway) I make more positive changes concerning health and diet anyway..so I dont feel that my path will effect me negativly..sometimes I scare myself but that is another thing I want to work on, being totally okay living with a foot in each world.
Long live the unwoke.