I have only read Wikipedia claiming A.Dealbata "has been analyzed as containing less than 0.02% alkaloids"
However the source Wikipedia gives for supposed analysis is this PDF in german:
http://books.google.nl/b...20tryptamine&f=falseUnfortunately my German is not too great. Also, have these people ever heard of paragraphs? It's tough to read that document, damn. I didn't find any mention of the <0.02% alkaloid content that Wikipedia claimed. Any nexian who's German is better than mine might give it
a read and try and find the chemical analysis & alk content of A.Dealbata in that mess of
Hasn't any nexian run some proper chemical analysis on some Acacia Dealbata leaves, stems, trunkbark & flowers?
That 0.02% from the analysis could have many explanations:
-The low %age is due to a faulty extraction procedure that destroyed most of the
alkaloids before the extract was analysed.
-The low %age could be a miscommunication(perhaps someone accidentally wrote down 0.02% while
they meant 0.2% for instance)
-The low %age is due to the harvested A.Dealbata material undergoing seasonal fluctuations in
alkaloid content; Perhaps in wetter, darker seasons this tree's alkaloid content drops drastically?
-The low %age is due to the wrong plant-parts being used for analysis. We know full well that many
Acacia species with high %ages of DMT in the bark & leaves may contain none or only trace amounts
in the flowers or young stems. Perhaps only alkaloid poor plant parts were analysed.
As long as this analysis cannot be confirmed by that german PDF source wikipedia gave,
there is no reason to assume this low %age is truthfull & credible. But sofar this
document is the only thing I found in google concerning the alk content of A.Dealbata.
Does anyone know any other published results of Chem Analysis of A.Dealbata plant matter?
PS: Perhaps this topic should be moved to the Plant Analysis & Substance testing-
or Collaborative Research Project-board?