As I read now a lot about MGs this subject more and more crystallized out. And as I couldn't find anything about this by "search" on the Nexus, I started a new thread:
It seems there is a big issue, if I. Violacea is a synonym for I. Tricolor.
Most research papers, people, etc. think it is the same.
But as it seems some people disagree.
E.g. the current english entry of Wikipedia clearly wants to point out the difference (it seems someone was eager there...)
For as it seems, the description of I. Violacea describes it as only having a white flower.
This by itself is IMHO not so conflicting, as there is e.g. also the "Pearly Gates" of I. Tricolor with white flowers.
But one thing made me rethink:
It is said, I.Violacea blooms in the night, whereas all the I.Tricolors start to bloom in the morning (therefore the name "Morning Glory" ).
If that's really the case, then these are indeed two different plants.
But what plants were originally used?
According to the german Wikipedia entry the seeds are brown, not black.
If this is really the case, then I would exclude I.Violacea being the real Zapotek "Badoh Negro", as the seeds aren't black.
Then I personally would conclude the plant originally used was I. Tricolor.
Also when the propagation map of I.Violacea from here is correct: there are no such plants in south america. So then they were surely not used there...
(OTOH on this site, they say the seeds are's really just a mess...)
The only one work I know which seriously tried to handle this problem is the one from Manitz ("Was ist Ipomoea violacea", 1977). There you can really see the naming mess around these plants...
What do other people think about this naming mess?
I claim not that this is the truth. As this is just what got manifested into my mind at the current position in time on this physical plane. So please feel not offended by anything I say.