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First Experiments With High-Dose Melatonin Options
#1 Posted : 6/2/2017 7:03:17 PM

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For quite a while I have been interested in the potential mystical effects of Melatonin (N-Acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine). It is commonly known that even light (500ug-20mg) doses used orally for sleep aid can cause some pretty vivid dreams. I decided to extract the melatonin out of some 10mg pills I had lying around. Here's what I found.

Extraction: (in brief)

300mg of melatonin in pill form was pulverized and extracted using a filter and 91% Isopropyl Alcohol. 215mg of material was yielded from the extraction. Had a reddish-brown color (likely contained impurity absorbed by the 9% water in the IPA). 5mg was vaporized on de-coated aluminum foil. A naphthalene smell identical to dmt was noted.


40mg was loaded into a clean DMT pipe loosely based on "the key v2". The dose was inhaled in 4 consecutive hits in about 1 minute. DMT taste and similar to vaporize.

Effects did not reach the peak in minutes as expected, but instead built for about an hour. Eventually, staying awake became nearly impossible and I lied down to sleep for 4 hours. Before falling asleep, a strange floating feeling and slight euphoria were noted. When I awoke, I did not remember my dreams and continued to feel drowsy for the rest of the day.

The next day before bed I prepared a "capsule" containing the remaining 170mg and took it about an hour before bed. Very emotionally intense and vivid dreams were noted in the first half of the night (I woke up to use the bathroom), whereas the rest of the night, my dreams were fairly normal.

Final Thoughts:

I believe that melatonin may have some secrets we have yet to unlock. Granted, the effects that I felt were quite subtle. However, this drug is usually taken in quite small doses even though up to 800mg/kg has been established as quite safe. I am currently out of mel, but will do another extract soon. Stay tuned.

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#2 Posted : 6/2/2017 8:55:54 PM
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Did you FB it before vaping?

I have here and there heard some stories about smoking Melatonin. So it definitely seems something one could research.
I claim not that this is the truth. As this is just what got manifested into my mind at the current position in time on this physical plane. So please feel not offended by anything I say.
#3 Posted : 6/2/2017 10:14:00 PM

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Yeah it was in freebase form. Def gonna try it again soon, maybe once my actual vaporizer arrives.
#4 Posted : 6/3/2017 12:04:34 AM

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I was unaware you would actually want to smoke that stuff. Sounds potentially wild.

My experience with melatonin was when my brother was taking it and he gave me some. If one is good two is better so I think I took 7. My dreams were nuts, but at this point I only remember a sliver. I was standing in this room with a female. The style was similar to tim burton's A Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpse Bride, but more lifelife, like the Ring I think that movie is called. And she was mad at me yelling something I no longer remember. The kicker was there was glass all over the floor and she was angrily throwing plates at my feet that would shatter, and I was walking on that.

A lot of people say you can't feel pain in dreams, I'm going to respectfully disagree. The two majors are that melatonin experience and alcohol withdrawl dreams. The pain is as real as day. So I never really investigated melatonin much more. It was heavy negative, very slight positive. Cool none the less though, I've been chasing lucid dreams since I knew what a dream really was.

So, to sum it up it was without a doubt an amazing experience just not what I was expecting so be careful. I'd increase those doses gradually, I have the feeling one will let loose on you that the previous night "did nothing". You know how that goes.

You could look into xhosa, calea, or entada rheedii. They'll open up a section of your mind you can't close. Buyer beware though, sleep is meant for rest (I suspect) so when you pile on a dream life that is more exhausting and "real" than your waking life that is also tiring, it's a downward spiral. And in my experience these arent like weed or something to where once you sober up it's "gone". Once you open up your dreams, they're open. My goal now would be something that cancels out dreams entirely. Dreams have NO limits and unless you get lucid, you have NO control..

Still fascinating either way. Do what you came to do right? Rolling eyes
#5 Posted : 9/13/2017 8:48:46 PM
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Smoking DMT with eating melatonine is awesome.
6 mg melatonine + 40 mg DMT will blow you
#6 Posted : 9/13/2017 9:23:12 PM


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#7 Posted : 9/14/2017 10:39:04 AM

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In the future I'd recommend you use melatonin sublingually as oppose to swallowing a capsule as oral bioavailability is much poorer. I've noticed that melatonin seems in some way boosted in effect following a breakthrough 5-MeO-DMT experience.
#8 Posted : 9/14/2017 11:07:58 PM

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To asher7, I wouldn't necessarily call this good advice, but when I don't want to dream I get extra drunk and also take some kratom(5-10g) and a couple dabs(big ones). This usually makes me dreamless, however sometimes it can backfire and when you dream you are all weak and cant do anything, if you punch someone it will be weak or you will run really slowly. Especially if you add benadryl or hydroxizine or some benzos to this combo you can experience a very intense sinking into the bed sensation, or it can feel like something is pulling you down which is creepy.

My good advise, although some may disagree, is to say the name of Jesus over and over until it goes away. This always works for me, but sometimes a spirit will try to keep my mouth shut, so I just force it out(the words) and once I say it they have to go. I use to have night terrors,sleep paralysis, and sleep apnea. Every night I would wake up to a demon choking me out and have to command it to go, then I made some life changes and those things bother me much less. I don't have sleep paralysis or sleep apnea anymore... still have nightmares tho, not very often though. You could also look up verses in regards to sleep and say them out loud before bed time. Ask the Lord to give you sleep, remind him of His promises and have faith. For example one verse I know sans address is The lord gives rest to his saints. This will work for sure. All depends on you though.
#9 Posted : 9/14/2017 11:10:17 PM

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Oh and an on topic post, have you considered adding harmalas or another maoi? This should boost effects drastically.
#10 Posted : 12/2/2017 2:12:02 PM

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Tmcgee wrote:
To asher7, I wouldn't necessarily call this good advice, but when I don't want to dream I get extra drunk and also take some kratom(5-10g) and a couple dabs(big ones). This usually makes me dreamless, however sometimes it can backfire and when you dream you are all weak and cant do anything, if you punch someone it will be weak or you will run really slowly. Especially if you add benadryl or hydroxizine or some benzos to this combo you can experience a very intense sinking into the bed sensation, or it can feel like something is pulling you down which is creepy.

My good advise, although some may disagree, is to say the name of Jesus over and over until it goes away. This always works for me, but sometimes a spirit will try to keep my mouth shut, so I just force it out(the words) and once I say it they have to go. I use to have night terrors,sleep paralysis, and sleep apnea. Every night I would wake up to a demon choking me out and have to command it to go, then I made some life changes and those things bother me much less. I don't have sleep paralysis or sleep apnea anymore... still have nightmares tho, not very often though. You could also look up verses in regards to sleep and say them out loud before bed time. Ask the Lord to give you sleep, remind him of His promises and have faith. For example one verse I know sans address is The lord gives rest to his saints. This will work for sure. All depends on you though.

Hi - sorry to drag up this old thread, but I have a very similar experience to yours, Tmcgee. My sleep apnea plays itself out in a strange way: with a dark presence standing and looming beside my bed just at the verge of REM sleep. This being never has any features; it's just darkness, a vague silhouette that exudes a sense of despair, hopelessness, and malevolence. I will scream at it to go away, and I'm often barely aware of doing so. (After all, I'm asleep, or only waking up briefly enough to be shouting at it.) Sometimes, it's simply extended screaming in sleep, alarming people with its ferocity and volume.

Part of me has written this off as my psyche trying to alarm itself enough to start breathing again. Another person in my home has suggested that it seems like this occurs at the very beginning of REM sleep.

Perhaps, in the "existential terror" of the beginning stages of REM sleep, my body kicks it into high gear to get me to not stop breathing by any means possible.

But that dark presence, right beside me, looms over and goes away as soon as I scream at it, time after time. This could be a psychological manifestation of some previous Christian understandings of the universe. This could be a way of getting breathing again. This could be a manifestation of the frightening nature of the inherent ego-loss of being asleep. I don't know.

But I am quite intrigued that we both had similar experiences: Terrors, the "demon" which to me manifests as a completely dark silhouetted presence of malevolence, and the casting away of this presence as the ultimate solution.

What is this awful thing terrorizing us? Is it simply our brains coping with the sleep apnea?

And - question - how did you take care of yours?
#11 Posted : 12/2/2017 3:52:44 PM

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A lot of people say you can't feel pain in dreams, I'm going to respectfully disagree.

Most people do not feel pain in dreams ....

ive Never feelt any real pain.[in dreams].i have fallen off buildings...been shot in wars..ive ran through glass windows in dreams only to feel the glass stretch like rubber then give away letting me through..

Ive dived into swimming pools full of [not water] but sparkling glowing energy!

In one dream.. i found myself in a vast dream city walking past dream carectors and cars ..trucks ..busses..many buildings..

Then after ...[a sudden shift of consciousness] ..i became lucid in the dream.. and realized i was dreaming..

Then i entered a 15 story skyscraper and flew upwards [superman style] right through all 15 floors to land on the roof.. yes i tore through concrete ..wood glass.. nothing could stop me..i never felt any pain..

In another past dream.. i was riding on a motorcycle then i lost control and fell of the cycle to [[instantly!] find myself in a compleatly different dream scene walking bare foot on a beach by the ocean......[[[hitting the pavement falling off the cycle never happened...!]]

If a person feels pain while dreaming.. it may be real pain!..come from a bodily source...like some part of your body actually hurting sending a pain signal right into the dream...

But if one really desires to feel pain in a dream it may happen but still should feel quite diferent from real pain.. my opinion...
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