Tmcgee wrote:To asher7, I wouldn't necessarily call this good advice, but when I don't want to dream I get extra drunk and also take some kratom(5-10g) and a couple dabs(big ones). This usually makes me dreamless, however sometimes it can backfire and when you dream you are all weak and cant do anything, if you punch someone it will be weak or you will run really slowly. Especially if you add benadryl or hydroxizine or some benzos to this combo you can experience a very intense sinking into the bed sensation, or it can feel like something is pulling you down which is creepy.
My good advise, although some may disagree, is to say the name of Jesus over and over until it goes away. This always works for me, but sometimes a spirit will try to keep my mouth shut, so I just force it out(the words) and once I say it they have to go. I use to have night terrors,sleep paralysis, and sleep apnea. Every night I would wake up to a demon choking me out and have to command it to go, then I made some life changes and those things bother me much less. I don't have sleep paralysis or sleep apnea anymore... still have nightmares tho, not very often though. You could also look up verses in regards to sleep and say them out loud before bed time. Ask the Lord to give you sleep, remind him of His promises and have faith. For example one verse I know sans address is The lord gives rest to his saints. This will work for sure. All depends on you though.
Hi - sorry to drag up this old thread, but I have a very similar experience to yours, Tmcgee. My sleep apnea plays itself out in a strange way: with a dark presence standing and looming beside my bed just at the verge of REM sleep. This being never has any features; it's just darkness, a vague silhouette that exudes a sense of despair, hopelessness, and malevolence. I will scream at it to go away, and I'm often barely aware of doing so. (After all, I'm asleep, or only waking up briefly enough to be shouting at it.) Sometimes, it's simply extended screaming in sleep, alarming people with its ferocity and volume.
Part of me has written this off as my psyche trying to alarm itself enough to start breathing again. Another person in my home has suggested that it seems like this occurs at the very beginning of REM sleep.
Perhaps, in the "existential terror" of the beginning stages of REM sleep, my body kicks it into high gear to get me to not stop breathing by any means possible.
But that dark presence, right beside me, looms over and goes away as soon as I scream at it, time after time. This could be a psychological manifestation of some previous Christian understandings of the universe. This could be a way of getting breathing again. This could be a manifestation of the frightening nature of the inherent ego-loss of being asleep. I don't know.
But I am quite intrigued that we both had similar experiences: Terrors, the "demon" which to me manifests as a completely dark silhouetted presence of malevolence, and the casting away of this presence as the ultimate solution.
What is this awful thing terrorizing us? Is it simply our brains coping with the sleep apnea?
And - question - how did you take care of yours?